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Informazioni su PlanningPME
PlanningPME è una soluzione di pianificazione del personale che consente di pianificare e gestire risorse, attività, clienti, interventi, progetti, cantieri, vacanze...
We are delighted with the exceptional support and the quick access it provides. The user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it a standout tool in the market.
I'm new to planning pme and at this time no vons for me will update as needed.
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Interessante scoperta
Ho selezionato PME a valle di una lunga ricerca che ha sondato costi/benefici di svariati prodotti sul web. Prima di PME non utilizzavamo nessuno strumento, ma esclusivamente dei file excel condivisi.
PME è sicuramente un prodotto che vale il suo costo.
Riesce a gestire un buon numero di risorse raggruppate in maniera dinamica e dislocate su vari progetti di varia natura.
Graficamente è un prodotto "vecchiotto" (di fatto è un excel spostato su web) ma, conoscendone i limiti, ha una buona fruibilità e quasi tutti i suoi limiti si riescono a raggirare, al costo di allungare un po' le tempistiche operative.
Aspetti positivi:
Allineato alla modalità con cui oggi gestiamo internamente la pianificazione.
Aspetti negativi:
Non perfettamente fruibile a livello grafico. Bassa personalizzabilità a livello grafico. Interfaccia da smartphone pressoché inutilizzabile.
Alternative considerate: Visual Planning
Perché scegliere PlanningPME: la fruibilità del prodotto precedente non era più sufficiente in quanto vi sono diversi project manager che operano sulle stesse risorse
Software precedente: ClickUp e Microsoft Excel
Perché passare a PlanningPME: Prevalentemene per motivi di costi e perché non avevamo chiare le nostre esigenze rispetto ad un prodotto di questo tipo
Ottimo strumento
Commenti: Esperienza ottima. Strumento fondamentale per il mio team.
Aspetti positivi:
Per il mio lavoro è estremamente comodo per pianificare gli impegni del personale a breve-medio e lungo termine. E' di semplice fruizione, ma al tempo stesso offre la possibilità di schedulare diverse tipologie di eventi e risorse. Lo utilizziamo in tanti in ufficio ed è davvero comodo per la condivisione degli eventi e degli impegni.
Aspetti negativi:
Sarebbe bello poter esportare alcuni calendari e risorse.
Planning PME - Ottimo strumento di pianificazione
Aspetti positivi:
la semplicità di utilizzo e di gestione con il personale coinvolto
Aspetti negativi:
la mancanza di una vera e propria APP personalizzabile anche con logo aziendale.
Poter pianificare le tue risorse da subito con grande semplicità
Commenti: Programmazione n°23 macchine con relativi accessori , adesso riusciamo ad ottimizzare al meglio le nostre risorse e soprattutto condividiamo le nostre scelte con tutto il team dove è condiviso il planning.
Aspetti positivi:
semplicità di utilizzo , utilizzo senza installazione di software
Aspetti negativi:
Manca una personalizzazione di stampa in modo da poter configurare cosa stampare ( periodo , macchine , ecc.. ). Manca la possibilità di inserire un periodo di festa per tutte le macchine e quindi spostare automatico tutte le lavorazioni programmate di quel periodo.

Perfect daily planning
Commenti: It is useful for this type of people who have many daily commitments and who often fail to fulfill them because they forget or do not organize the day well
Aspetti positivi:
With your application I can have a daily plan without forgetting to keep appointments in my agenda, although its function is quite normal and everyday, I have been able to have a much more organized schedule of my daily duties to fulfill without forgetting something important and it keeps me sure of myself that I do everything right. A very active platform without passing reminder notifications
Aspetti negativi:
It is simple and there is nothing that I dislike, it has the basics to have a good agenda planning
Very good software for planning recources in service
Commenti: For our purposes, still the best tool on the market for customer service.
Aspetti positivi:
The tool is very flexible. The global search function in particular helps us a lot in our daily work.
Aspetti negativi:
The software becomes very slow and crashes more often as the planning file grows larger throughout the year. For us at the moment about 20MB.

Perfect solution for start-up or small size companies
Aspetti positivi:
The big advantage of the software is the quite flexible set-up possibilities, the simple user interface, and its pricing.
Aspetti negativi:
For what we needed in our company (maintenance, cleaning and welcoming staff scheduling) this was a very good solution and there aren't any features that are lacking so far.
Risposta di Target Skills
3 anni fa
Dear Roger, Thank you for your comment ! We are happy that PlanningPME meets your needs and is well suited to your business. Indeed, one of PlanningPME big advantage is the possibility to customize your schedule according to your business activity. Best regards, The Target Skills team
Electrical Company User
Commenti: Excellent. The uptime on the system is great, we can access it from our mobile phones and any questions we have are answered promptly.
Aspetti positivi:
I really like the quarterly view, which lets me look at 13 weeks of planning. I also like that we can scroll forward in time very easily. This is particularly helpful as a lot of our projects are planned well in advance. I also like that we can have colour codes for different resource groups and different tasks.
Aspetti negativi:
There has been a recent change made which sees the quarterly view default to Monday (1st day of the week) instead of today. This has only changed recently and means I am forced to click on the "today" button every time. The 1st column should always be today. Would be good if this could be changed back. Would also be good if Microsoft outlook bookings could be integrated into PME schedule.
Alternative considerate: Resource Guru
Perché passare a PlanningPME: Planning PME has a better quarterly view, better use of colours.
Newbie here
Commenti: I started to get a better planning system with my growing business comes growing needs for me and my crew. I can handle scheduling while planning in advance upcoming events employees schedule and their time off requests so far I like this app for
Aspetti positivi:
Great for small businesses for scheduling easy to assign and designate employees tasks remotely organize and plan for upcoming events and employees time on and off the clock their needs and mine.
Aspetti negativi:
I'm new to planning pme and at this time no vons for me will update as needed.
The Best Planning and Scheduling Solution
Aspetti positivi:
I like the ease of planning and ensuring efficiency with PlanningPME. It makes scheduling easy. The software helps ensure maximum productivity.
Aspetti negativi:
With PlanningPME, there hasn't been issues.
Easy to use
Commenti: Easy to use, easy to maintain and add tasks.
Aspetti positivi:
Resource management is easy to use and easy to read.
Aspetti negativi:
Easy to implement, easy to read by users, easy to scale up/down.
Genius is simplicity and good support
Commenti: Very good support and sales team. Easy to use
Aspetti positivi:
The genius of PlanningPME lies in its simplicity. It is incredibly easy to install, use, and customize. We are delighted with the exceptional support and the quick access it provides. The user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it a standout tool in the market. The efficiency and reliability of PlanningPME have significantly improved our workflow, making it an indispensable asset for our team.
Aspetti negativi:
Colors of different statuses could be full sized (like in offline version)
PPME Review
Commenti: Very simple to use, good overview for large ressource planning.
Aspetti positivi:
Planning Overview, simplicity of usage, highlining of issue in case of double booking
Aspetti negativi:
Some restriction with custom attributs on API
"PlanningPME is a great scheduling tool"
Aspetti positivi:
PlanningPME is a great scheduling tool for any size company. Our company used both the client version in conjunction with webAccess for our field resources and it is the perfect tool for us. Not only is it user friendly but it gives you the ability to see what everyone is doing in a glance and is very flexible. They just launched some new features in webAccess like automatic notifications and PlanningPME rescue; a static version of the schedule in case connectivity is lost for any reason. It also has single sign on which is a must have in this time of cybersecurity. These are awesome new features. I highly recommend this scheduling tool for your business of any size!
Aspetti negativi:
More often than not, it is a tool which functions in a pretty slow way
Risposta di Target Skills
2 anni fa
Dear Dolores, Thank you so much for your comment ! We are delighted to hear that both of our PlanningPME products suit your needs. For speed performances, many factors can be taken into account as your Internet speed connection, on-site server performances etc... Our support team will be happy to give you advise to improve this point. The Target Skills team
Jederzeit gerne wieder - sehr innovativ und flexibel
Commenti: Sehr kompetenter Support am Telefon und auch per Mail. Sehr freundliches Personal.
Aspetti positivi:
Sehr flexible Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, man kann alle Fälle abdecken.
Aspetti negativi:
Rollout auf Thin Clients teilweise etwas komplex.
Alternative considerate: Asana
Perché passare a PlanningPME: Hat sich bewährt und war schon lange im Einsatz.
Très satisfait
Très bonne exérience avec ce programme.
on a trouvé par hasar sur google, on a aussi déjà recommandé aux autre sociétés.
Aspetti positivi:
La flexibilité L'adaptivité L'accée pour si beaucoup de personnes
Aspetti negativi:
Des resources comme "A prendre Rdv." ou "A plannifier" compte aussi comme ressource. La solution mobile pour le GSM est pas top ...

Viel kann, nichts muss!
Commenti: Wir benutzen es für die Auftragsplanung, einfach schon während des Kundentelefonats ein "Kästchen" aufziehen, die wichtigsten Dinge eintragen und fertig. Falls man für sich entscheidet das man bestimmte Informationen immer eintragen muss kann dies als Pflichtfeld definieren. Es ist auch möglich eigene Felder zu definieren.
Aspetti positivi:
Man kann jede Aufgabe mit vielen Daten füttern, muss es aber nicht!
Aspetti negativi:
Das die Feiertage jedes Jahr manuell eingetragen werden müssen.
Programme Professionnel
Commenti: Logiciel professionnel utile et personnalisable pour une optimisation des ressources humaines et matérielles. Il nous a permis d'optimiser certains processus et offres de bonnes perspectives.
Aspetti positivi:
La personnalisation et le service client
Aspetti negativi:
Les améliorations sortent 1x par année. Une actualisation 2x par année serait appréciée.
Gestion facile d'une flotte de voiture de location
Commenti: Très bonne interface, pas de panne et si besoin d'une aide technique toujours réactif
Aspetti positivi:
facilité d'utilisation pour le suivi d'une flotte de voiture de location
Aspetti negativi:
pas encore trouvé quelque chose à redire
Les remarques d'ADVANSYS sur le logiciel PLANNING PME
Nous utilisons la solution pour gérer le planning de nos collaborateurs, mais je reste convaincu que nous l'utilisons à 30% de ses capacité.
Une formation de la part de l'éditeur nous aiderait à faire évoluer le taux d'exploitation de la solution.
Aspetti positivi:
La présentation et la convivialité de la solution
Aspetti negativi:
Les Tableaux de bord sont limités et complexes à générer, un lien avec un outil de Business intelligence serait pertinent
Excellent soutien en cas de problème
Aspetti positivi:
Sa facilité de prise en main et sa relative intuitivité
Aspetti negativi:
Les mails automatiques qui manquent de précision concernant la modification effectuée
Eine intuitive und gute Planungssoftware für unsere Ressourcen!
Commenti: In der ganzen Unternehmung wird das Tool sehr geschätzt. Darum setzten wir auch weiterhin gerne auf PlanningPME.
Aspetti positivi:
Die einfache und intuitive Bedienung schätzen wir sehr und freuen uns dass PlanningPME uns in der täglichen Arbeit sehr gut unterstützt.
Aspetti negativi:
Wir setzten nur die APP Version intern ein. Eine komplette Webversion wäre sehr hilfreich (mit den gleichen Funktionen wie die APP Version.
Excelente Plataforma de Planeación.
Commenti: Muchas áreas
Aspetti positivi:
Facilidad en la planeación y descripción de funciones.
Aspetti negativi:
Al cambiar un recurso, no borrar la trazabilidad de ese recurso.
Commenti: Efficace et simple alors que nous sommes une petite structure.
Aspetti positivi:
Simplicité, efficacité, bon suivi en cas de soucis
Aspetti negativi:
Franchement il n’y a rien de vraiment négatif
mauvais rapport qualité prix trop cher
Aspetti positivi:
intuitif et rapide on apprend facilement a l'utiliser
Aspetti negativi:
pas conçu pour un garage automobiles je déconseille
Risposta di Target Skills
3 anni fa
Bonjour, merci pour votre commentaire. En effet, comme vous l'indiquez, notre produit permet une prise en main rapide et est simple d'utilisation. Neanmoins, nous sommes navres de constater qu'il n'a pas su repondre a vos attentes. PlanningPME est pourtant tres personnalisable et de nombreux clients tels que des garagistes ou des concessionnaires automobiles l'utilisent au quotidien. Si vous souhaitez une demonstration personnalisee afin d'aller plus loin dans le parametrage des donnees pour s'adapter a votre problematique, n'hesitez pas a nous contacter. Bonne journee, L'equipe Target Skills