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Informazioni su FreeCAD
Modellatore 3D parametrico open source con architettura modulare per la progettazione di macchine utensili e progetti architettonici in 2D e 3D.
The software interface is simple and easy to use. Very convenient for quick CAD design with a very quick learning curve.
If I make a line from another line end and then change the length, it moves the first line, there is no prioritization built in so I need additional lines and constraints to fix design locations.
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My thoughts on FreeCad
Ottimo CAD OpenSource versatile e completo
Commenti: Ho inizato ad usarlo dalla versione 0.16 e dalla 0.19 lo uso anche professionalmente nella progettazione architettonica e BIM.
Aspetti positivi:
Estremamente versatile e adatto a progettazione BIM, CAD, FEM, 3D, ecc. con la possibilità di creare rendering e tavole. Con gli addons e con le macro, si possono espandere le possibilità e velocizzare il lavoro.
Aspetti negativi:
Ci vuole un po' di tempo per imparare ad usarlo professionalmente, ma la vasta community fa un ottimo lavoro di aiuto e assistenza.
Freecad per modellazione 3D
Commenti: Analizzare i 3D per fare delle valutazioni importanti nel mio lavoro quotidiano
Aspetti positivi:
Utilizzo per analizzare i file 3D .step.
Aspetti negativi:
Non è di facilissima intuizione, potrebbe essere modificata l'interfaccia per aiutare gli utilizzatori
Disegno 3d con diversi angoli di proiezione
Commenti: Anche se il mio core business non è quello di disegnare parti in 3D l' essere autonomi in questa attività accorcia i tempi tra l' idea di cosa si vuole realizzare e la realizzazione fisica da parte dell' officina meccanica o di chi si prende il carico la costruzione delle parti
Aspetti positivi:
Questo software permette di disegnare particolari in 3D da diversi angoli di proiezione rendendo molto immediato il dimensionamento dei vari particolari Molto utile è la possibilità di esportare il disegno in vari formati 2D es. DXF oppure 3D es. STL per utilizzo in altri programmi oppure direttamente in sistemi di stampa 3D
Aspetti negativi:
Le varie revisioni del software prevedono delle modifiche che richiedono un po di tempo per abituarsi alle diverse modalità di utilizzo

Very nice software
Commenti: I have been a designer for more than 20 years know and I am using at work NX, Creo and Catia for ICE development and now battery systems. I think FreeCAD is getting there and I really like it. Designing is similar to the packages above: datums, sketches, extrudes, revolves, rounds etc. I don't think I would be able to design a cylinder head with it (all drafts etc) without having major problems, but it is getting better and better. I am using FreeCAD at home for designing stuff for my 3D printer and that really rocks. Please support the FreeCAD team. They deserve it!!!
Aspetti positivi:
Easy to learn, similar to other main design software like Creo, NX or Catia.
Aspetti negativi:
It is still being developed. Not all the functionality you're used to designing with other software is already implemented.
Alternative considerate:
Commenti: The most powerful features of Free CAD is the scripting environment. It was easy to create objects in the 3D scene and access and also modify your projects in the FreeCAD interface of the software.
Aspetti positivi:
The most attractive feature is that it is free to use I am not very good at designing 3D projects but Free Cad seems to be for me a good platform to teach myself. There are other free design software out there but this one seems to have a lot of features for a free version I like the ease of use for a free open source program the menu items are well layed out
Aspetti negativi:
There are some limited features but for free open source it is not bad. Python scripting I think takes a little patience getting used to but once you catch on it goes pretty smooth for a beginner.
free program that allows you to do great things
Commenti: I used the software to do some tests and to show 3D modeling to students
Aspetti positivi:
the strength of the program is the free license. With this premise everything is given away. It also works well and interesting projects can also be created
Aspetti negativi:
it is not comparable to high-end programs, on a professional level it is not yet usable
Alternative considerate:
Extraordinary 3D CAD functionality for FREE, yet you need to invest time to master it.
Commenti: This is a fully functioning free download that is probably worth the effort to learn (I'm still learning it). I have over 30 years experience using various other CAD systems, yet still need to get over the learning hurdle with this system to feel comfortable using it.
Aspetti positivi:
Surprisingly powerful and visually similar to other 3D CAD modelers. I was able to import an IGES assembly from another mid-range system without any issues. Although I was not able to then modify the assembly. A good number of tutorials are available on YouTube.
Aspetti negativi:
Functions are similar to other products, yet to me, it is not intuitive and requires investing more time to learn. The icons do not look as elegant as more premium systems, yet what can you expect for a FREE program that people worked hard to create on their own dime.
Great Service to Learn CAD
Commenti: I've only been using FreeCAD for a short time, so I'm by no means an expert, but I've seen that this is a great software and I donated to its development because of that. The community that uses FreeCAD is always helpful and the resources available for learning are plentiful. I feel like more was available for this than some other professional products simply because of the wide community adopment.
Aspetti positivi:
FREE Opensource and well documented for those who like to tinker stl file generation for 3d printing powerful for a free software and not limited to simply the basics abundance of learning material between youtube and forums many users to bounce questions of off
Aspetti negativi:
Very steep learning curve for a beginner UI is clunky, but once you get used to it its not so bad Users need to watch tutorials on how to use it for about the same amount of time they work on a project to use the software

CAD software provides a good opportunity for rendering different models of houses and buildings.
Aspetti positivi:
In comparison with other AutoCad softwares,it is one of the different version software. We can make 3 D drawing through this software at different angles of projection which is is indeed the most fantastic feature. This software is used by everyone whether students or professionals but proved to be helpful to everyone.
Aspetti negativi:
Sometimes when we are updating modules, at that time some of the modules are not updated. So we feel that they will update in next versions of software. The learning curve of this software is quite difficult for the new users. For this sometimes some users have to take CAD classes in order to have good command on the usage of this particular software.

FreeCAD, efficiency in 2D and 3D drawing
Commenti: I do design 2D and 3D drawings with this software which makes it my favourite,cause I make use of it everyday.
Aspetti positivi:
I loved everything about this software,the ease of use is just too easy for me.
Aspetti negativi:
Absolutely nothing,this is perfect software for 3D designs.

FreeCAD in My School
Commenti: Excelent my students are learning the basic features of 3D Drawing and modeling without AutoCad use
Aspetti positivi:
The price is so easy and you can use all the Features in the software for a Basic Draw
Aspetti negativi:
The simulations are not always allowed in all the computers I think that is something to improve

Best 3D editing and visualization tool
Commenti: Was able to see the drawings for my Project and edit them and again render them to the 3D images.
Aspetti positivi:
Digital drawing has been made very easy with the use of the extensive features of the software. It helps students like me to understand the 3D drawings and their meaning in a very subtle way. One can easily learn the software and could try creating 3D images in the very first week.
Aspetti negativi:
The recent software that I used, requires some minimal hardware configurations to render the images. So, buy a new system or else it is not for you. The snap options sometimes is adamant and won't let you decide what point you may want to take. One of the 3D functions I think is irrelevant.

In my experience it's the best 2D/3D CAD software. I use this software to design electrical circuits
Aspetti positivi:
Its very user-friendly and on top of all its free, and also does not use too much system memory. With an average PC you can easily run multiple tasks while working on this software, without worrying about usage of system memory. The program is simple and not too much complicated and has all the great tools, so many people can take advantage and use it with more ease.
Aspetti negativi:
The features of this software are too limited and selection of add-ons can also be improved. But as its for free so one can live with these little flaws. But if new features can be added, it will make this software perfect for work.
I switched to freecad and I found it good enough for my work project
Commenti: I use freecad to model my complex mechanical component parts, and 3d print them.
Aspetti positivi:
The 3d design/ modelling is quite exciting. Freecad is easy to use. And it integrates well
Aspetti negativi:
They use different (but similar) names than what I am used to in their 3d comands but I could understand them right away. And they are all working fine.
High potential with lots of space to improve
Commenti: I have used FreeCAD as an hobbyist who has no availability for payed cad softwares, to produce models that I later 3D print. The biggest pro of this software is the number of features implemented and totally free, which makes it the best unrestrained free option for who requires a CAD or a FEM software but cannot pay for it, but unlike another 3D software, Blender, that despite being open source got highly user friendly, FreeCAD feels still quite hard to use, due to a not so agile workflow and some bugs that are still to be fixed. Right now, I feel it is one of the most valid alternatives, especially after Fusion 360 introduced limitations on the numbe of components that can be worked with for free. However, if some of the issues will not be solved and another more user friendly alternative will be present on the market, I feel like it will be abandoned quickly. However, depsite the difficulties in 3D modeling, the FEM part is more straightforward to use and allows to obtain interesting results.
Aspetti positivi:
FreeCAD, as the name suggests, is free and considering alternatives on the market available for free right now, this is the only CAD with so many functionalities, which I consider another great advantage. The possibility of having a parametric CAD together with FEM analysis are great.
Aspetti negativi:
It is really complex to use, very little user friendly and the documentation is most of the time not that helpful. I have experienced some bugs with elementary features as well, making modeling even simple parts very tiring
Such a nice feeling after the use of it...!
Commenti: Work on this software seems to be great..!
Aspetti positivi:
A different version of software compared to other softwares such as AutoCAD and its very nice 3D drawing in different angles of projections. I am blessed to see my great work in this software.
Aspetti negativi:
some modules isn't it updated and It seems they are going to update in next versions of software updates.
Best free multiplatform CAD
Aspetti positivi:
Coming from a paid win software, this was the first linux alternative I tried. There was no big deal in getting familiar to the tool layout. Great simulation tools, similar workflow to other CAD.
Aspetti negativi:
Nothing to say here. It is a very capable software that I use.
Aspetti positivi:
It is an adequate program for those who just need to open the part and look at it, take a few dimensions and take the old versions on top of each other and examine the differences.
Aspetti negativi:
The interface must be seriously reviewed.
Free CAD software
Aspetti positivi:
can be oriented by user script and easy to implement automatic CAD generation.
Aspetti negativi:
poor and very complicated user interface. 3D surface generation can not react that you desire.

A free option from rendering my designs
Commenti: I found a free option from rendering models of houses and buildings.
Aspetti positivi:
As an architect I always looking for new options to see how my designs come to life, and I found it a free option with FreeCAD, because I can create my model in the software and see how buildings, houses, park and other types of construction come to life, all this with high precision and detail.
Aspetti negativi:
Is not as powerful as a private software so the process of rendering are always the same, and the results are always so similar.

perfect for working with mesh formats
Commenti: It makes it really easy to modify mesh files so that you can make adjustments to .stl files you found online for 3D printing. For free software, it's amazing!
Aspetti positivi:
This is the best software for working with CAD programs since it is available on all operating systems (even Linux, which is hard to come by). I love all the features it has for a completely free and open environment.
Aspetti negativi:
The controls can be frustrating at times. It's also a bit lacking in the amount of features. (either that, or I cannot find them!)

Amazing robot modelling in a software
Aspetti positivi:
I had never think do this in a software but FreeCAD is so complete, because after to made my model I can saw how my instruments and robot come to life it is wonderful and very useful to explain processes and practice with students.
Aspetti negativi:
It is very difficult to do this it takes me a lot of time to create my first Robot Simulation because there are so many details to tu put on it, but the results is amazing.

I can build geometry in two dimension with this software
Aspetti positivi:
This software is excellent for me, because it allows to skecth my designs in two dimensions before modelling and rendering, I can build and manage my objects in two dimensions which is better for me, because I can see my models pretty clear.
Aspetti negativi:
For me it is very difficult to do the transition from 2D to 3D because there are a lots of options that I do no manage for work in three dimensions.
Gets the basics covered
Aspetti positivi:
Does what you expect from a free tool standpoint.
Aspetti negativi:
Just covers the basics, could use some easier tools.
Free CAD software that works like a charm.
Commenti: It is an excellent design software and since it is free every engineer should give it a try.
Aspetti positivi:
It is free and comes with great tools for 2D and 3D drawing. Another feature that is great is that is not completely restricted, it can be customized and is open source.
Aspetti negativi:
You need to spend a lot of time getting to know the software to use it or have lots of experience with cad programs. It can crash a lot.