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Informazioni su AutoCAD Architecture
Soluzione CAD sul posto e basata sul cloud progettata per aiutare a creare progetti e documenti architettonici in modo rapido e semplice.
AutoCAD has an incredible set of features that allow us to compile and finish projects much more quickly. The increase to our productivity has been obvious as soon as we integrated it fully.
Programme requests more performance hadware features to run smoothly. Low performance make lagging.
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Migliore software per disegnare
Aspetti positivi:
La facilità dei comandi grafici per disegnare
Aspetti negativi:
La grafica dei pulsanti nella barra alta del programma
Recensione software
Commenti: Il software è alla base di un percorso di studio universitario e verrà utilizzato in futuro quotidianamente.
Aspetti positivi:
Il prodotto è abbastanza intuitivo ed una volta appresi i comandi base risulta di semplice utilizzazione.
Aspetti negativi:
L'inconveniente maggiormente riscontrato è che a causa delle dimensioni elevate del software, i PC di vecchia generazione si rallentano.
AutoCAD - La qualità ha il suo prezzo
Aspetti positivi:
La complessità del software permette di creare solidi (perfettamente stampabili in 3D) dettagliati.
Aspetti negativi:
Poco intuitivo, ci vogliono anni prima di apprendere a pieno le sue funzioni.
Software progettazione CAD
Aspetti positivi:
Utilizzo di funzioni diverse e velocità di lavorazione, sia del software che da parte dell'utente (tramite shortcuts preimpostate da tastiera)
Aspetti negativi:
Interfaccia non molto "user-friendly", alcune funzioni troppo macchinose o difficili da trovare
Progettare il difficile
Commenti: Lunga ma molto comprensiva con l esperienza
Aspetti positivi:
La modalità per vedere il progetto finale
Aspetti negativi:
La difficoltà di trovare le cose e la sensibilità delle linee
Software fondamentale per futuri architetti
Commenti: Il software dopo l’utilizzo di tutorial appare abbastanza semplice ed è necessario per il superamento di esami in determinati corsi di laurea come architettura
Aspetti positivi:
Abbastanza semplice seppur all’inizio sembra macchinoso ma è necessario per i futuri architetti ed ingegneri edili
Aspetti negativi:
Purtroppo è pesante e rallenta i Pc con Windows precedenti
Software di grande impiego per un Ing. meccanico
Aspetti positivi:
Fondamentale per disegni 2D, di facile utilizzo e facile esportazione dei dati su altri programmi come Soldworks
Aspetti negativi:
Consiglio di seguire un tutorial per riordinare i vari comandi al fine di “avvicinarli” alla finestra che più si utilizza
Migliore di molti altri
Aspetti positivi:
La sua semplicità di utilizzo e la sua velocità di creazione
Aspetti negativi:
Il disegno 3d può essere migliorato, e la rapidità nelle animazioni

Alternative considerate:
Is AutoCAD Architecture Worth It?
Commenti: This software always brings out the creative in you. It is always coming to the rescue when I least expect it so I plan on using it furthermore in the future.
Aspetti positivi:
This software comes with tools that allow me to model my buildings in 3D and comes with loads of options on how to create a set of architectural drawings. I can manipulate physical properties with certain parameters and drive the geometry accordingly by changing the value in the properties palette. I can even create door and window schedules based on components that are in the model I'm working on.
Aspetti negativi:
I really wish that AutoCAD (VANILLA) and AutoCAD Architecture were integrated as one sometimes, it would make my life so much easier.
AutoCAD Architecture: The Leader in Architectural Software
Commenti: My overall experience with AutoCAD Architecture has been a positive one. Once I completed my first concept drawing, I was pleased to see our architect come up with much the same thing, using the same software. A vote of confidence from the industry solidified my impression of the software.
Aspetti positivi:
AutoCAD Architecture provides an easy to use, yet powerful interface for designing homes and other structures. When the time came to do a renovation on our home, I tried several alternatives before settling on AutoCAD Architecture as the most viable option. All of the other software suites lacked the functionality I sought in terms of views, materials control, snapping, dimensioning, and more. I had initially thought I would simply be using plain AutoCAD, but AutoCAD Architecture has enough architectural-specific features that made home design so much easier (standard thicknesses for walls; blocks for windows, appliances, etc.).
Aspetti negativi:
AutoCAD can be a bit overwhelming for the uninitiated/untrained. I had lots of experience with standard AutoCAD as an engineer, but was worried AutoCAD Architecture might be too complex. That concern turned out to be unfounded as there are many helpful teaching videos available online. After a half hour of how-to's, I was up and running without incident.
Outdate product that could use some big updates
Aspetti positivi:
AutoCad is straightforward and simple. It gets the job done but just not always in the most efficent manner.
Aspetti negativi:
The product freezes too much, or worse, shuts down if you ask too much of it - resulting in lost work, constantly (good look finding your backup file saved somewhere.) Some tasks are backward, or shortcuts to make your work production easier are hidden in the depths of the menu bars, impossible to figure out. The fact that you cannot change shortcut keys for certain tools is obscene, you need to essentially write code in order to do this. The software is not made for the user, and it seems like they do bare minimal updates to move it along.
Alternative considerate:
AutoCAD Architecture Review
Commenti: Overall experience is positive and allows us to be competitive in the marketplace
Aspetti positivi:
The software is highly compatible with many other products. There are unending resources available and supported by most if not all industries in one form or another which makes our job easier.
Aspetti negativi:
Can be cumbersome at times and has glitches that require work arounds. There are times where the program freezes up and requires reboot.

Alternative considerate:
AutoCAD Architecture Review
Commenti: I am a self taught CAD operator who designs small houses and AutoCAD helped me a lot and is still helping me to this day even though I am still learning more, it is a good software that really helped me.
Aspetti positivi:
AutoCad is a very good CAD software because it is user friendly and it delivers quality graphics that encourage creativity, and it has a lot of features that can be added on and manipulated, which makes it a perfect Draughting tool for Architects old and new.
Aspetti negativi:
It took me too long to get a hang of everything, but truth be told, whatever I learned stayed with me because it was easy to apply, I feel it has a lot of features that need to be learnt first before everything is clearer.
Aspetti positivi:
Aspetti negativi:
Great for 3D Blueprints
Commenti: I think AutoCad is the most accurate and easy to use system for creating 3D buildings and Blueprints.
Aspetti positivi:
I use this when I need an accurate 3D model of a building I am working on. This is very easy to use and great for realistic and accurate 3d Buildings.
Aspetti negativi:
I dislike the payments that need to be made to use the system since it is a bit high but this is my only complaint.
Great Product
Aspetti positivi:
Simply couldn't do my job without it. Fantastic product.
Aspetti negativi:
Occasionly files will be overloaded and create long load times, as well as the occasional crash.
Functional for perfect projects, plans and drawings to match.
Commenti: AutoCAD ultimately has no comparison, this version improved on the previous one. Its automated function for smart windows or the ease of creating detailed plans and drawings at any time are some of the functions that we liked the most.
Aspetti positivi:
Precision for drawing drawings 3D Capability Fast execution along with ideal features
Aspetti negativi:
Complexity for beginners Expensive for individuals
Execution planning 🤑
Commenti: The beginning of a beautiful career that needs no introduction. Any engineer or project manager cannot do without Autocad Architecture program
Aspetti positivi:
Putting my ideas in full, high quality, and clear about presenting them to the owner of the project, as he communicates the ideas of the engineer in a distinct way. I cannot do without this program for the rest of my life.
Aspetti negativi:
Commands, shortcuts, and output symbols .
AutoCAD Architecture
Aspetti positivi:
I Use this software to check the 3D Structure of the building so that i can check the measurements required to install cables for the IT Works and Installations of the Cameras and check how many feet of cable is required
Aspetti negativi:
Sometimes it is confusing when I'm using the ruler to measure each wall of the building. But with a little practice now its okay
Autocad user
Commenti: It's a good experience
Aspetti positivi:
The most useful instrument in my opinion is that I can use any pdf drawing and edit
Aspetti negativi:
I thing the size of the program is big some where if it can smaller it we'll be nics
AutoCAD-An amazing asset for drawing and demonstrating
Commenti: AutoCAD Architecture takes the previous AutoCAD to an entirely different measurement. The program essentially helps profitability, which enables a customer to work all the more productively and adequately. Truth be told, I think this item is something fundamental in each office and home that as often as possible arrangements with structural plans. I additionally feel that organizations that embrace this specific program will no doubt appreciate the additional advantage of automation of complex drafting endeavors than previously.
Aspetti positivi:
Autocad makes the calling of originators, planner and architects all the more simple, sorted out and intriguing, the autocad interface give each attracting apparatuses genuine in a computerized structure, with the assistance of the instruments like frameworks, object snaps , polar trackers and the symmetrical mode which carries on like a genuine set-squares and Tee-squares, an expert can sit agreeable on is sofa at home and make drawing audits, with this broad devices. autocad interface can without much of a stretch be altered to fit the sort of drafting you would need to do either 3D or 2d, a few times the various toolbars and directions can be overpowering for fledglings, however they are helpful given the client knows how and what to utilize them for. Autocad is client friendly,easy to utilize particularly the 2D drafting the numerous instruments have different capacities, that would be required for various kind of drawings, before you use autocad, you should comprehend the nature of work you need to accomplish, at that point autocad will offer them to you quicker, precisely and progressively satisfactory. Autocad gives the benefit to secret key drawing records, to avert access to your drawings by different clients of your PC,you can go to choices by right snap on the drawing window,from there you can set secret phrase to your presently opened documents, its has truly help keep up some degree of duplicate right, and help to verify organizations idea and structures .
Aspetti negativi:
The sticker price related with AutoCAD is steep, thinking about fashioners, designers, and specialists, all utilization it unendingly. To work without significant glitches, for example, screen solidify, slow preparing velocity the product needs framework wealthy in memory and RAM. A couple of directions like Trim and Hatch work gradually if your PC is (for my situation) old or short on accessible RAM. For new clients, the whole interface can be very overpowering thinking about the quantity of directions accessible for differed capacities. I don't generally have serious issues with the 2D drafting highlight, as it is exhaustive, exact and easy to use, however by one way or another the 3D highlight isn't the best. As I would like to think, there is other programming accessible which can create excellent, introduction commendable and practical 3D renderings as most have their very own beam following, something that AutoCAD needs. Also, for complex undertakings, it very well may challenge update areas, heights, and detail drawings regardless of whether there is a minor change in the arrangement/s. For this reason particularly, I lean toward BIM programming when taking a shot at enormous and testing ventures.
The Only 2D Architectural Program I Will Ever Use
Commenti: My overall experience has been amazing. It has been easy to use, easy to share, and easy to prepare.
Aspetti positivi:
What I like most about this product is its ease of use and all of its features specific for what I am specifically doing. Exporting and sharing projects is seamless and the options for what I can do with this product are almost endless.
Aspetti negativi:
What I like least about this software is the tediousness of selecting small lines. It can be hard on my eyes when using it for many hours on end.

Designing without Autocad is Impossible!
Commenti: Autocad is ideal for both big and small projects weither in a team or solo. It has all the tools necessary to design both in 2D and create a 3D Model making it crucial in handling projects from start to finish.
Aspetti positivi:
Autocad is the most convenient, easy to use, one stop software for drafting, designing and detailing your Architectural drawings. It is workflow efficient that alows you to easily edit, replicate and import works from previous designs and customize your projects to fit any requirements. Best of all, it allows you to publish with ease to what ever scale you require. And Its not CPU or Ram intensive so you can use it without buying an expensive high performance PC. Overall, its a designer's best toolkit.
Aspetti negativi:
Over the years, they tried to merge the 2D and 3D functionality together resulting in Bulky software that causes a huge lag on systems. It also had compatibility issues with old designs you had from previous software releases. And lastly, there were bugs when it came to importing fonts and measurement scales that were implemented by other designers when working in group works, but now it is great to see these problems resolved.
AutoCAD Architecture is the best software for 2 & 3D architecture
Commenti: Using AutoCAD Architecture, I created architectural and construction drawings, which I then presented to clients and persuaded them of their value. It was the best thing that had occurred to me in my professional and practical life. As a student in the Faculty of Engineering, I learned AutoCAD in my first year and was able to separate myself from my peers through my AutoCAD drawings and projects. I have to deal with him daily because he is the centre of my professional and personal life.
Aspetti positivi:
I most like AutoCAD 2d classic version. I am a draughtsman in the profession. Auto CAD architecture helps me create quality & accurate 2D drawings Easily & Efficiently
Aspetti negativi:
Nothing in the least Everything ok . the best tool for creating Architectural 2D drawings & 3D models
Greatest tool for an engineering company.
Commenti: Autocad has helped us create precise drawings really easily, it's libraries are so complete that most of the drawings are almost pre drawn. If you can afford it's really high price then it's totally worth it.
Aspetti positivi:
Autocad is extremely powerful, it is a drawing tool that can work for any type of situation, we have created electrical, mechanical, civil and architectural plans with it, also room designs and layouts. It has so many features that make the use of other cad tools unnecessary if you can afford it.
Aspetti negativi:
It can be overwhelming, since there are so many comands you need to know just to perform the most simple actions such as drawing a circle or a line, it could be more streamlined. Also it is really expensive.