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Aurigo Masterworks
Cos'è Aurigo Masterworks?
Aurigo Masterworks Cloud è una soluzione SaaS collaudata per gestire la pianificazione del capitale, i progetti di costruzione e la manutenzione degli asset in un sistema unificato, creato appositamente per città, stati e agenzie e in grado di gestire la complessità dei progetti di capitale su larga scala. Aurigo è una moderna soluzione COTS costruita al 100% nel cloud, può essere facilmente utilizzata da qualsiasi dispositivo mobile e si integra con l'ambiente IT esistente.
Chi utilizza Aurigo Masterworks?
Proprietari di infrastrutture e strutture di capitale, compresi i dipartimenti dei trasporti, città e contee di grandi e medie dimensioni, autorità per servizi idrici e acque reflue, aeroporti, porti e agenzie di transito.
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Aurigo Masterworks
Recensioni su Aurigo Masterworks
Great Platform and robust CPMS application
Commenti: Masterworks provides comprehensive Capital Project Management solution for the construction industry. The system is capable to implement your enterprise business process coupled with standard modules for entire project lifecycle which includes planning, budgeting, bidding, contract management. The application is hosted over the cloud and available on mobile platform.
This product did not work for us at all
Commenti: None at all, unfortunately.
Aspetti positivi:
When we implemented this package several years ago it was focused primarily on civil engineering projects, like roads etc. We were told they were catering to universities and users that maintained a campus of buildings. The promise was good, the people we worked with during training and implementation were good, but the system never worked for us.
Aspetti negativi:
It simply didn't do what we were told it would. After a year of frustration we finally abandoned it. I can't speak for every organization or industry, and the package may have changed in the past couple of years, but for us it was an unmitigated disaster. I would strongly suggest caution if considering this package to make sure it fits your business.