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Cos'è Qualifio?
Qualifio è la piattaforma leader per il marketing interattivo e la raccolta dei dati. Consente ad editori, marchi e agenzie di creare e pubblicare facilmente contenuti interattivi su siti web, app mobili e social media, senza la necessità di disporre di particolari competenze tecniche. Quiz, concorsi, sondaggi, test, giochi animati e oltre 40 formati di campagne personalizzabili consente agli utenti di questa piattaforma di raccogliere dati e di crescere, coinvolgere, qualificare, segmentare e monetizzare il loro pubblico digitale.
Chi utilizza Qualifio?
Marchi e mass media che vogliono tenere sotto controllo la partecipazione nelle loro community digitali e la raccolta di dati con una piattaforma intuitiva e di facile utilizzo che può integrarsi con altri strumenti in loro possesso.
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Recensioni su Qualifio

We use it on a daily basis, 10-15 operations a week, it is of great help to us editors
Commenti: The use of campaign templates and more for our users who find it easily and this allows us to obetenir more data qualified
Aspetti positivi:
the software is easy to use, we love the creation of custom templates and forms. The helpdesk is really responsive to handling requests
Aspetti negativi:
There are many screens to fill when creating a campaign, which is nromal because the software is rich but for simple campaign it should be faster
A trusty service
Commenti: For the last few years of using Qualifio, I have found their clear statistics and reliability have really helped with my day-to-day job. I trust them with thousands of users data and I have full confidence in the team .
Aspetti positivi:
My first project I used the Qualifio was to create an advent calendar marketing campaign. The team were very helpful in guiding my through all of the logistics and how to make things work. The fast service is one of the top qualities of Qualifio. It integrated with my website easily and we have never had any issues with crashing
Aspetti negativi:
I feel that the customisation could be clearer for the very basic user. We did manage to build templates for my team of reporters to use, but I fear they would not be able to create campaigns without the help of the services team.
Risposta di Qualifio
4 anni fa
Thank you for your kind words, Sam, our teams and Helpdesk are always there to assist you!
Simple in both ways
Commenti: I also tried to give som feedback on what to fix going forward and I do appreciate that other users could vote for new feature requests. But I find it improbable that other users will, since I have not done it my self.
Aspetti positivi:
The functionality that I find the most likable is how simple it is to use.
Aspetti negativi:
However the simpleness of the application is also its worst part. Being able to turn of certain screens sounds like an easy fix but that does not seem to be part of the plan.
Risposta di Qualifio
4 anni fa
Thank you for your feedback, Robert. Do not hesitate to continue sharing your ideas for improvement and voting via our dedicated website, as explained in this article: http://bit.ly/3jvBFAC

I knew Qualifio when they started. What a path since those first steps !
Commenti: Community activation, mail and contact adresses, fun, games
Aspetti positivi:
Qualifio offers you a lot of possibilities to engage your communities on the social networks and the websites. You can do different games, surveys, auctions,... and get a lot of email adresses.
Aspetti negativi:
Perhaps the direct client service was better and easier with a direct mail touch. Some new games and featurs would be great to get too :-)
Data collection at its best
We introduced Qualifio as a centralised tool to gather data for editorial teams, marketing and sales.
It made it easier to set standards (eg forms, newsletter gathering) withing our organisation.
Aspetti positivi:
Qualifio is a powerful tool to collect and process user data and user generated content.
Aspetti negativi:
Along the way Qualifio diversified to polls, mini-games etc. There are easier to use tools in the market, for editorial teams who are pressured to publish articles. For marketing purposes though Qualifio is a solid solution which allows skinning, is proven to be secure and perfect for gathering all sorts of data.
Risposta di Qualifio
4 anni fa
Thank you for your review, Peter!
A variety of contests setup by our marketeers. Collected data directly enter our CRM system.
Commenti: Contests are more fun, are in line with rest of the campaign and the amount of users grows in the database.
Aspetti positivi:
Qualifio is used by our marketeers in 5 countries and is directly linked to our CRM system. All the participant's data enter automatically our CRM database. The helpdesk is very very responsive. The product and IT teams always actively search for a solution together with us when we have specific needs.
Aspetti negativi:
It would be nice to offer a video contest format in Qualifio. Having 1 main identity form per country and being able to use lighter versions of the main form in wich less data fields are shown according to the need of the contest would be handy.

We've been using Qualifio since 2016, and it has transformed the way we interact with our Consumers.
Aspetti positivi:
Easy to use, great service, very good support from the studio, tool in constant evolution, reporting easy to use,...
Aspetti negativi:
Very few things and probably corrected rapidly I guess. Especially for result extraction and multi branching campaigns.

Qualifio is the best answer for our interactivity challenge
Aspetti positivi:
Easy to use, easy onboarding, nice customer support, multiplicity of features and could be used in multiple languages
Aspetti negativi:
Could have better integration within CMS, Collect more data from social networks for better reposrting
Experiences for data collect
Aspetti positivi:
Its really easy to create different experiences
Aspetti negativi:
Sometimes the tool to snip images doesn't work well.

Qualifio is a real partner to put relevant actions in place and collect datas.
Aspetti positivi:
Qualifio platform allows us to make a lot of various actions (contests, personnality test, easy forms, survey,...) on an easy way and with a lot of functionalities. So we can propose always something different, interactive and user-friendly to our community / customers and on all our channels (social media, website iframe, mini-website, ...). And compatible with all the devices!
Aspetti negativi:
Sometimes, when we want to put in place a more elaborated action (advent calendar,...) we have to multiple and connect 2 or 3 plateforms. It's someting a little bit complicated to manage. But, the customer support is always super reactive and there to help us !

Herramienta ideal para gamificación
Commenti: Ayuda a mantener al lector/usuario, fidelizar y aumentar permanencia en página gracias a las gamificaciones disponibles
Aspetti positivi:
Mil posibilidades que te ofrece, su cómoda integración con el CMS
Aspetti negativi:
Necesitaría mayor granularidad en los informes de campaña
Herramienta útil y muy práctica
Commenti: En nuestro caso al ser una herramienta de fácil uso, la utilizamos mucho para interactuar con nuestro público objetivo mediante encuestas, concursos, sorteos... ¡nos encanta! y el soporte técnico responde en poco tiempo y soluciona todas las dudas.
Aspetti positivi:
Es un software muy útil a la hora de gestionar campañas de contenido interactivo. Además, destaco su apartado de estadísticas, que te ayuda a conocer las métricas y ayudar al seguimiento de objetivos.
Aspetti negativi:
Echo en falta una app para poder estar pendiente de las campañas en todo momento mediante el teléfono móvil. Sería un avance muy útil.
Risposta di Qualifio
4 anni fa
Thank you so much for this review!
Great tool to create online campaigns the easy way!
Aspetti positivi:
The tool is very easy to create engaging online campaigns with no knowledge of HTML or CSS. You can make your design more advanced when writing your own CSS styles. That way we don't always need developers to create contests or surveys. The support is great! 99% of the times the problem is solved within the hour! They respond really quick.
Aspetti negativi:
No really cons actually. Always looking forward to new features they add in the tool!
Risposta di Qualifio
4 anni fa
Thank you so much, Tim!
Un must en cualquier medio de comunicación digital
Commenti: Captación de registros y cualificación de cookie anónima, además de aportar juegos y quiz relevantes para nuestra audiencia que ayudan a fidelizar.
Aspetti positivi:
Facilidad de uso y resolución de problemas.
Aspetti negativi:
Las campañas son demasiado cerradas, tienen poco flexibilidad a la hora de configurarse.
Risposta di Qualifio
4 anni fa
Thanks for your review, Marco!
Nice marketingtool
Commenti: Nice range of possibilities to engage with our customers. Great customer service, they help us with every small or big question. Good quality.
Aspetti positivi:
Easy to use. Customer service helped us set up our own branded page in which questionnaires are shown. Has all sorts of possibilities to engage with your customer. And handy results dashboard.
Aspetti negativi:
It's nice if you have at least one person in your team who dives in this marketingtool, then it's easy to set up the next questionnaire, and the next prize draw etc. If you don't use it a lot, or if you don't take a bit of time to look at all the possibilities, it can feel a bit overwhelming after which someone may simply choose for a google form.. Which is not that professional towards your consumer as your own branded Qualifio-set up if you ask me.
A surprising overall great experience
Aspetti positivi:
I wasn't expecting much from Qualifio to be honest... and that's what makes my experience even more enjoyable. I was really surprised by the large scale of tools at my disposal to create gamification content. Granted, there are some which require an additional fee, but the “basic” package I'm entitled to is already GREAT. Another thing which is of paramount importance to me as a customer is the actual customer support. Often, companies hook you on their software and the customer support is really bad. I'm really happy to write that Qualifio's support team is among the bests I have interacted with. They're helpful and quick to respond.
Aspetti negativi:
What I like the least about the software were the many steps. I understand that it helps to build in a comprehensive way the contest/quizz etc. but it makes things time-consuming and I sometimes forget about sub-items in specific steps. The other thing I'm a bit disappointed is the lack of WYSIWYG editing tools on the mini website. Yes you can edit things but not as extensively as I was hoping for.
Expérience client très satisfaisante
Commenti: ça nous permet de collecter des adresses emails sur notre site web et mobile en toute simplicité
Aspetti positivi:
Facilité d'implémentation, bonne expérience client sur dekstop et mobile, nombreuses fonctionnalités et très bon niveau d'accompagnement
Aspetti negativi:
ux sur certaines questions et l'obligation de remplir certains champs pour le client. ce sont des détails
Risposta di Qualifio
4 anni fa
Thank you so much for your review, Robin!
Service & qualité
Aspetti positivi:
La rapidité et le professionnalisme des équipes, helpdesk efficace et très réactif Les webinars ils sont à l'écoute et cherchent des solutions quand nous demandons des formules hors du cadre
Aspetti negativi:
Parfois des lenteurs sur la plate forme
Risposta di Qualifio
4 anni fa
Thank you for your great review, Valerie!
Fácil e intuitivo
Commenti: Aporta una experiencia de usuario interesante y divertida para nuestros lectores y nos permite conocerles un poco mejor.
Aspetti positivi:
Creo que las principales cualidades de Qualifio son la facilidad de uso, que lo hacen una plataforma bastante intuitiva. Además, tiene una amplia variedad de formatos para usar y una gran capacidad de personalización de las encuestas y cuestionarios, con lo que es fácil ajustarla a la identidad de nuestra página web y evita que se note mucho que es un servicio externo.
Aspetti negativi:
Apenas puedo decir nada en contra, pero puestos a mejorar algo, quizás señalaría dos factores. El mayor tiempo de carga en la web que supone cualquier servicio de terceros y que puede penalizar algo los Core Keys de cara a Google. Y el precio, que aunque me parece muy asequible, siempre tendrá en contra la competencia de otros productos gratuitos aunque, eso sí, mucho peor resueltos.
Risposta di Qualifio
4 anni fa
Thank you so much for your feedback Marcos!
Un bon rapport qualité prix et une équipe à l'écoute !
Commenti: Utilisateurs relativement "jeunes" sur ce produit, il permet d'avoir une palette importante de fonctionnalités et jeux à proposer à nos utilisateurs, afin de varier les offres et la communication.
Aspetti positivi:
L'intégration a été très facile, l'équipe de Qualifio propose une démonstration de départ complète et claire. Au niveau du suivi ils sont très réactifs et disponibles pour répondre à nos questions et nous aider à lancer les premières campagnes dans de bonnes conditions. En termes de nouveautés c'est aussi très satisfaisant avec des nouvelles fonctionnalités et mini-jeux. Enfin toujours dans la catégorie nouveauté, ils prennent toujours en compte les demandes que nous avons pour les proposer dans un futur proche.
Aspetti negativi:
Seul point qui a été difficile à appréhender pour nous a été la mise en place des codes promotionnels et l'export des résultats de certains jeux.
Risposta di Qualifio
4 anni fa
Thank you Marc, happy to hear such good feedback!
Facile et rapide
Qualifio permet de créer des jeux et des tests pouvant s'intégrer facilement sur nos sites.
L'équipe Qualifio est très réactive en cas de petits soucis techniques ou de demandes plus spécifiques selon les projets.
Aspetti positivi:
Je trouve que les templates proposés permettent de mettre en place un jeu rapidement. Il est relativement facile de personnaliser le design d'un questionnaire
Aspetti negativi:
Certaines fonctionnalités peuvent être plus difficile à trouver pour un questionnaire plus complexe (réponses multiples avec profil différents)
Risposta di Qualifio
4 anni fa
Thank you for the great review Ysabelle!
Proactive Management
Aspetti positivi:
I would like to thank the Management team at Qualifio for being so responsive to my feedback and doing their best to deal with the issues i encountered, there support enhances the software genuinely very good people who care immensely about their product... thank you
Aspetti negativi:
the team at Qualifio have been great at resolving the issue of the Unique ID. 5 star service and support
Une aide précieuse pour la qualification de données
Commenti: Grâce à Qualifio, nous ajoutons quelques points dans des objectifs tels que la sympathie, la durabilité, etc
Aspetti positivi:
Grâce à une utilisation simple et fexible, Qualifio nous permet de créer concours et formulaires rapidement.
Aspetti negativi:
La fonction multi-langue est un gros point manquant notamment dans un pays bilingue comme la Belgique. Elle permettrait, notamment pour les concours, de mieux gérer les exports de données mais aussi la qualité du concours d'une langue à l'autre.
Risposta di Qualifio
4 anni fa
Thank you for your feedback, Aurelien! Do not hesitate to share your ideas with us via our dedicated website, as explained in this article: http://bit.ly/3jvBFAC
Un super outil pour collecter des données et pour l'engagement client
Commenti: Qualifio nous a permis d'engager la cliente durant la période covid : donner un peu de fun à nos clientes durant cette période difficile. Nous l'utilisons aussi pour réactiver des clientes inactives. Il s'agit de proposer quelque chose de différent.
Aspetti positivi:
Le produit est très intuitif et la palette de jeux étendue. Le support est aussi génial dans la mesure où le Help desk répond parfois dans les 10 minutes.
Aspetti negativi:
Bien qu'on puisse customiser la plupart des jeux, dès qu'on sort de la zone par défaut, avec les spécificités du secteur, ce n'est pas possible.
Qualifio : l'outil marketing idéal
Commenti: Du dynamisme, de la créativité, de l'efficacité dans la réalisation de nos campagnes marketing.
Aspetti positivi:
Qualifio, c'est un outil qui permet de rendre son travail ludique et fun tout en atteignant ses objectifs !
Aspetti negativi:
La lenteur parfois mais le support est réactif donc le problème est vite solutionné.