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Cos'è Whip Around?
La soluzione di gestione della flotta di Whip Around è la migliore della categoria. Previeni riparazioni e tempi di fermo non necessari. Registra, pianifica, approva, monitora e crea report sulle attività di manutenzione con Whip Around. Crea ordini di lavoro e seguili fino al completamento con la meccanica interna ed esterna.
Chi utilizza Whip Around?
Settore dei trasporti. Settore petrolifero e del gas. Settore edilizio. Noleggio di veicoli. Trasporto passeggeri. Attività di manutenzione.
Dove si può implementare Whip Around?
Informazioni sul fornitore
- Whip Around
- Sede: Charlotte, USA
- Fondata nel 2016
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Whip Around prezzo
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Whip Around dispone di un piano gratuito e offre una versione di prova gratuita. La versione a pagamento di Whip Around è disponibile a partire da 0,00 USD.
Piani tariffari richiedi una prova gratuitaInformazioni sul fornitore
- Whip Around
- Sede: Charlotte, USA
- Fondata nel 2016
Assistenza di Whip Around
- Assistenza telefonica
- Assistenza diretta 24 ore su 24
- Chat
Video e immagini di Whip Around

Caratteristiche di Whip Around
Recensioni su Whip Around
Ease of conformity

All in one Fleet management System
Aspetti positivi:
Right from the start i found this software easy to use, easy to integrate and easy to maintain. It takes alot of the hassle out of Fleet management for the managers as well as the drivers. With the recent addition of the Maintenance section, we've been able to keep better track of upcoming services and certifications resulting in less down time for the fleet.
Aspetti negativi:
Customization of the reports would be a benefit as well as being able to assign annual inspection dates, for CVIP or other certifications, to vehicles instead of relying on the reminders section. having it auto populate in the maintenance section when due.
Alternative considerate: Fleet Complete
Perché passare a Whip Around: Its user friendly interface and mobile monitoring functionality made it a clear choice. The exceptional customer service goes along way as well.
Needs Video
Aspetti positivi:
Easy to use and train our drivers to use
Aspetti negativi:
Needs Video and ability to export the inspections
Terrible End to a Decent Product
Commenti: We used Whip Around for 2+ years to good effect even though it was a bit expensive for our smaller company. They recently doubled our price and charged us for 2 months due to a convoluted cancellation process that is not well laid out in their Terms of Use.
Aspetti positivi:
Simple to Build Forms and track Assets. Fairly Customizable.
Aspetti negativi:
Limitations on some forms. Fees doubled over a weekend. Cancellation process leaves much to be desired. There are better alternatives for cheaper now.
Help track damages
Commenti: It has been pretty user friendly and helpful for our companies needs.
Aspetti positivi:
I love the whip around lets you customize the forms for your needs
Aspetti negativi:
Some of the FAQS lead me in the wrong place however the customer service helped direct me to the right place immediately
Whiparound works great for our company
Commenti: Fantastic from the software to customer service it always been up to par.
Aspetti positivi:
I enjoy the simplistic format and extremely user friendly qualities of the app. The drivers at our company love it compared to the old paper inspections that we were using before whiparound.
Aspetti negativi:
I have no issues with whiparound's software
Pullman Disposal Review
Commenti: Very positive especially with the support team
Aspetti positivi:
It has a very good interface that makes the system easy to use
Aspetti negativi:
I have not yet found anything that I don't like
Happy customer
Aspetti positivi:
Ease of use, mobile use, cost, reporting.
Aspetti negativi:
Inventory tracking and the ability to perform a detailed equipment check that is connected to a piece of equipment that is assigned to a specific vehicle and have that check stay with the piece of equipment when it moves to other vehicles.
Whip Around for the Custodial Company
Aspetti positivi:
When we first set it up the staff at Whip Around helped us upload all of our vehicle information and showed us how to upload past vehicle repairs. They took our existing vehicle inspection checklist and uploaded it very quickly. It was all quick and painless. Now Whip Around is home to all our past repair documents and makes it so easy to look up warranty repairs.
Aspetti negativi:
Product is easy to use. Our greatest challenge is getting our staff to consistently turn in their inspections. I'm currently looking into integrating Whip Around with Microsoft Teams to see about getting it more consistent.
make my life at work more easy
Aspetti positivi:
the team support always ready to help i can add or remove inspections points as i needed
Aspetti negativi:
i don't have any cons actually i sugested to two friends who run a warehouse too
Too Expensive. We gone.
Commenti: Price was way over the top.
Aspetti positivi:
It was easy on the layout. Drivers found the prestarts great.
Aspetti negativi:
Price. We run combinations, so it turned out too expensive to use and enter all the equipment. We have over 150+ assets. We found another company here in Australia (MEX) that was so much cheaper for us. We had a phone call from Whip Around and I explained the situation to her, and she asked higher above for better price for us. But the horse already bolted and we were signed up with MEX.
Logistics usage.
Commenti: Overall WhipAround is a huge improvement to some of the more archaic methods of fleet management. The interface is a healthy design, user friendly, and excellent at navigating you where you want to be. The product itself offers a vast amount of tools and resources available to you at different levels.
Aspetti positivi:
I enjoy the ease of general fleet management. Helps us detect issues that could otherwise go unnoticed.
Aspetti negativi:
I don't have much to say about cons, it's more about the usage we personally get out of the product vs the capacity it could provide other companies that operate differently.
Whip Around
Commenti: Great experience so far
Aspetti positivi:
Being an electronic Pre/Post Trip. We now get our defects sent same day instead of wating for 2-3 days
Aspetti negativi:
Drivers and or Assets cannot be assigned to more then one 'Team"
Money Saver
Aspetti positivi:
The Whip Around app has proven to be invaluable to monitor the status of my fleet of box trucks on a daily basis. We require the drivers to inspect each vehicle after every shift to ensure damages are not slipped through the cracks. It has also allowed us to keep the vehicle cabs cleaner and identify any deficiencies immediately. I can't imagine running my operation without it. Thank you!
Aspetti negativi:
The new 20 asset minimum requirement.
Awesome platform that I do recommend
Commenti: Paperless has been one of the unexpected bonuses of using this program.
Aspetti positivi:
We love the ease of use and how helpful our customer service rep [sensitive content hidden] has been.
Aspetti negativi:
I would like to see a inventory management feature added to the work order side.
Whip Around Benefits Companies With Remote Employees
Commenti: Whip Around solved a lot of difficulties with a completely remote workforce in that drivers have no reason not to submit paperwork and payroll on time. Now they cannot submit late and claim that the email was lost. If they can take a picture they can submit their trip sheets. We can design and then arrange inspection cards for any subject quickly and easily in a way that makes performing and completing them easier for the drivers who can execute them in less than two minutes from anywhere they happen to be at any time avoiding excuses such as they were working and didn't have access to their PC. Whip Around app provides time stamps and a GPS location at the time of report submissions which eliminates a lot excuses and abuse. Generally our employees like it and even our 1099 drivers appreciate the tool. Used creatively, Whip Around has provided us with several ways to solve problems associate with an entirely remote workforce prior to the pandemic, allowed us to conform to requirements that developed out of the pandemic, as well as provide proof of vehicle and driver condition should our client's employees would try to throw our people or vehicles under the bus to collect overtime or play favorites with local transport providers they know personally whenever we enter a new contracted area.
Aspetti positivi:
Its ease of use especially for our drivers who are not always equipped with a personal computer.
Aspetti negativi:
There are no cons with Whip Around that I can think of.
same day
Commenti: okhelpful in maintenance
Aspetti positivi:
easy to teach how to use the basicsour crew needs it to be easy and fast
Aspetti negativi:
that our crew is resistant to do any extra work
Alternative considerate: N-sight
Perché passare a Whip Around: no options compared
Great Product
Aspetti positivi:
I like the simplicity and easily functionality of the program. User friendly!
Aspetti negativi:
Really can’t find anything that I literally do not like about product. Wouldn’t be using the program if I did have an issue.
Worth every Penny !!!
Commenti: 100% positive . Whip Around has improved the fleet management 10 fold.
Aspetti positivi:
The program takes very little time to navigate . Maintenance tracking is simple and no longer an effort . Real time results after submission is a huge safety factor for Operators and Drivers .
Aspetti negativi:
After looking at the Templates that were provided I could not find one for Skid Steer equipment like Bobcat T series .
Where have you been all our life WhipAround?
I think much of this is answered above but I'll try to comment simply here with some bullet points.
-improved time management for our mechanics to the tune of 20%
-our fleet has stayed moving more regularly due to a streamlined means of communications and necessary repairs. We've gone from being primarily reactive to primarily proactive. In 1 half of our company we've seen an 80% reduction in rental costs and I attribute some of this to the introduction of WhipAround to our fleet of heavy equipment.
-We have improved accountability from our driver's. We can now see who is and who isn't following our policies and procedures on a daily basis and take corrective action
-In the past we operated off of homegrown spreadsheets and files to hold information about our fleet. Now we are able to have 1 spot to store vehicle/equipment info, photos, reports, faults, repairs, etc. So simple!
-Overall, I have and will continue to suggest WhipAround to anyone I associate with as I firmly believe in their product and the support from their team. We at Belknap Landscape Co. honestly couldn't be happier with our relationship
Aspetti positivi:
#1 - customer service and implementation of the software into our organization was amazing. #2 - [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] is number 1 in customer service and attention to our needs and product development thoughts. #3 - [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] took time to fly out to our team to help onboard our drivers into the software and provide a personal approach to the training #4 - the software is SOOO simple to use yet incredibly powerful and valuable in terms of results #5 - our drivers and mechanics now communicate totally differently than they use to in the past. Everything is streamlined and documented #6 - speaking of documentation...gone are the days of carbon copy books and tracking down hand written forms. Our organization has 4 facilities and to transfer information in a time-effective manner was everything but successful. With WhipAround the right people in our company get the information they need instantaneously allowing us to keep the right documents in the right place for legal purposes, allowing our mechanics to respond instantly to the needs of our fleet to keep them going and to effectively schedule the necessary repairs we need to run a profitable business. Everyone in the process of our fleet is accountable to their specific role when using WhipAround. Finally, the folks at WhipAround are all about product development and always open to suggestion/improvement of what they provide for a service which is a huge value add proposition in my book.
Aspetti negativi:
It costs .25 cents more per month per vehicle than the carbon copy book that we used in the past. Just kidding...that's all I've got. We thoroughly enjoy the business relationship we have with the WhipAround team!
My review of Whip Around
Commenti: It has been a game changer, no more need for paperwork to be printed, used by drivers and mechanics, inputted into the system and then stored in a file, everything is digital and can be pulled up in seconds. Tracking the fleet is so more easier and faster, its a great product! I used it at my last job and when I moved to Montana and was hired here, this product was one of the first things I recommended we start using.
Aspetti positivi:
This product took minutes to set up and get my fleet drivers logged in, theirs is very little room for error and the ease of using this product even for non techy drivers is incredible. They log in and follow the prompts to do pre/post trips, fueling, and repair work orders.
Aspetti negativi:
At this time we haven't had any issues using this product, simple instructions for drivers and the mechanic to use. Following up on work orders, and the mechanic and supervisors can monitor drivers to make sure they are compliant with FMSCA and company policies
the customer service is why ill never leave.
Commenti: keeping track of vehicles repairs and the ease of communication with employees and not forgotten
Aspetti positivi:
the fact customer service has access to help you with it.
Aspetti negativi:
if it can some how work partially offline for when data strength is limited or non available on mobile devices.
Fantastic Value
Commenti: Fantastic!
Aspetti positivi:
Digital Truck Checks with proof of completion of each step and automatic notice when a check has not been completed.
Aspetti negativi:
More work needs to be done in the area of simplicity, automation and ease of setup.
One of Our Best Tools
Commenti: From the moment we expressed interest in this product, we have had a great experience. Their customer service is always available and always helpful. I've expressed interest in having other features before and they listened. This is a great company with a great product. This is one of the best tools we have in our DOT Compliance program.
Aspetti positivi:
Whip Around is easy to set up and use. Driver training can be done in minutes. Also, the card system it uses can be tailored to your company's needs, and our drivers actually like doing their inspections this way. I have no doubt that our drivers always did their inspections, but getting them to correctly fill out inspection forms was a nightmare. With Whip Around, all the problems I had with paper inspection forms were solved and I am getting more complete inspections than ever before.
Aspetti negativi:
At this time, I have no cons to report regarding Whip Around.
MCU Transportation Operations
Aspetti positivi:
inspections, driver logs and mobile signature
Aspetti negativi:
we have no negative perspectives with this software at this moment in time
WhipAround review
Aspetti positivi:
Easy to use, ease of keeping track of receipts
Aspetti negativi:
No complaints with the software. Only user use