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Cos'è Dialfire?
Software per call center per chiamate in uscita di facile utilizzo con composizione predittiva ad alte prestazioni basato sul cloud. Altamente affidabile e sicuro. Aumenta la produttività con moduli personalizzabili, campagne in più fasi con flussi di lavoro automatizzati, chiamate in entrata unite, analisi in tempo reale personalizzabili, controllo e registrazione delle chiamate. Si integra con il software esistente tramite API REST. Supporta l'outsourcing per i call center in subappalto. È ideale per uffici distribuiti. Il pagamento è in base all'utilizzo. Nessun costo di installazione, né commissione per gli agenti.
Chi utilizza Dialfire?
Privati o aziende con un numero qualsiasi di agenti, che sono alla ricerca di un efficiente e solido software per call center con chiamate in uscita, altamente personalizzabile e adattabile alle loro esigenze.
Dove si può implementare Dialfire?
Informazioni sul fornitore
- cloud IT Services
- Sede: Dresden, Germania
- Fondata nel 2010
Assistenza di Dialfire
- Assistenza telefonica
- Chat
francese, inglese, portoghese, spagnolo, tedesco
Dialfire prezzo
Prezzo di partenza:
- Sì, offre prova gratuita
- Sì, offre versione gratuita
Dialfire dispone di un piano gratuito e offre una versione di prova gratuita.
Piani tariffari richiedi una prova gratuitaInformazioni sul fornitore
- cloud IT Services
- Sede: Dresden, Germania
- Fondata nel 2010
Assistenza di Dialfire
- Assistenza telefonica
- Chat
francese, inglese, portoghese, spagnolo, tedesco
Video e immagini di Dialfire
Caratteristiche di Dialfire
Recensioni su Dialfire
Powerful and support is very helpful to setup.
Commenti: Creating and launching call center to rollup up on our leads and sales is an intimidating task. Dial Fire has all the necessary elements so we can run a high volume contact center for a fraction of the costs and setup headaches. The support and follow up to help set up the system has been super helpful. Thanks for making a great product and providing everything I need to set it up. The impact in our business has already become apparent.
Aspetti positivi:
Features, ease, and support... it does everything we would need and more.
Aspetti negativi:
There is a learning curve... but it is a powerful software to learn.
Outstanding Efficiency with Dialfire
Commenti: Overall, our experience with Dialfire has been positive. We appreciate the ease of use and the ability to quickly manage customer outreach campaigns.
Aspetti positivi:
Dialfire has been an invaluable asset to our customer service team. It has allowed us to easily manage large customer outreach campaigns, with its intuitive and user-friendly platform. It also provides a great way to track customer interactions, so that our team can quickly identify and address any customer issues.
Aspetti negativi:
One downside to Dialfire is that it can be difficult to adjust existing campaigns, as it requires a lot of manual work. Additionally, the customer service team has found that the automation features can be a bit finicky.
A stable, growing and functional with a great support!
Very satisfied. Even in stressful and fast situations, the support was always calm and professional. I would like to express a special log for the employee [SENSITIVE CONTENT]
thinks actively and enriches us with fresh ideas and implementation options. A real added value for Dialfire.
Aspetti positivi:
Dialfire can be used very flexibly and individually. It allows automation to connect your own processes.
Aspetti negativi:
The administrator should be given more options here. The documentation should be developed a little further and made more understandable.
Remotodojo on Dialfire
Commenti: It is really convenient as you can just upload your leads in dialfire. You can use excel, csv, and etc. Plus the flexibility it gives when editing the columns and you can just directly call after uploading. Basically a plug and play system, very easy to use, and no extensive setup needed. I also really love their payment scheme where you only pay what functionality you use which saves us a lot of money.
Aspetti positivi:
There are tons to like with Dialfire. First is they have an option where you only pay what functionality you use. In today's time, most of dialers have this premium payment scheme when you only use certain functionalities and I certainly believe that it's a waste of money.
Aspetti negativi:
There's no really con but I have noticed that sometimes their dialing lags up, maybe it's also because of our internet connection. Not really a deal breaker.
Dialfire is a great callcenter platform, that can be set up really quickly and easily.
Aspetti positivi:
It was really easy to set up. I did not have to install anything. Right after signing up I imported my contact list and it worked right away. Then I added my users and the caller id and I could start immediately. Dialfire build the contact formular based on the import. It was really straightforward. I decided to add some additional fields, which was a matter of a few clicks. Later on when I wanted to see the statistics I asked via the Dialfire chat and they helped me right away. I selected the fields I am interested in and Dialfire build the statistic right away. The support also told me about a wallboard, which I then created in 3 clicks. It is now displayed to my agents and especially the Team leaders like to see the progress.
Aspetti negativi:
0/1500 It is not ideal for inbound projects that are not campaign-based as it does not include an IVR.