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Cos'è SQLite?
Motore per database open source utilizzato dalle applicazioni per le sue dimensioni compatte, la stabilità multipiattaforma e le funzionalità senza server.
Chi utilizza SQLite?
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Recensioni su SQLite
Uno dei SW più efficienti per lo storage di dati
Aspetti positivi:
La sintassi SQL è abbastanza semplice da comprendere, quindi sarà facile creare codici per le proprie query. In più offre la possibilità di "scrivere" il codice mediante combinazioni di tasti.
Aspetti negativi:
Forse non è adatto a dataset estremamente complessi.
estremamente leggero e funzionale
Aspetti positivi:
Utilissimo per applicazioni mobile, facile da utilizzare con comandi sql oppure con l'interfaccia DB Browser per Sql lite
Aspetti negativi:
non ci sono tutti i i tipi di dati che offrirebbe un DBMS come sql server, ma è una mancanza che per il 90% dei casi si può coprire utilizzando altri tipi.
Per DB leggeri
Commenti: Buona per piccoli db, non per grandi aziende
Aspetti positivi:
Indicato per chi ha poche quantità di dati nel db, quindi uso domestico o piccole aziende.
Aspetti negativi:
Funzioni avanzate non disponibili, tipo PL/SQL

SQLite: The best Database ever
Commenti: It is an excellent database as compared to others. I do not see any database competing with SQLite
Aspetti positivi:
SQLite operates with lightning speed. It is the compressed version the MYSQL. It is extremely efficient in website management and many other managerial tasks in any organization.
Aspetti negativi:
It is very complex for beginners, but easy to understand.
The best database management
Commenti: I've been using SQLite to store databases and manage them easily. It's a fast and light tool, which helped me in several different cases.
Aspetti positivi:
It's light (doesn't require much resources), fast, it's stable, cross-platform. It's a free and open-source software which helps a lot with saving money and making sure it's secure.
Aspetti negativi:
It's not recommended for big databases, only for small ones.
A useful, yet untidy tool
Commenti: quick to deploy and simple to implement, although certain users may want to be aware of some UI and security concerns.
Aspetti positivi:
Very simple to use and undoubtedly reduces the amount of physical memory used
Aspetti negativi:
Some security issues and occasionally non-loading user interface parts make me doubt its reliability
Alternative considerate:
Power in the simplicity
Commenti: Works very well in simple scenarios! It might be a great choice for small applications that require low maintenance and easy setup
Aspetti positivi:
It's very simple to use and lightweight. Typically does not require a separate server (it could run on the same server as a web application). It's quite handy that the database is contained in one file, which then can be backed up easily or transferred across machines. It's quite fast for certain uses.
Aspetti negativi:
Compared to other RDBMSes, it's very simple - which means that it's lacking certain features when it comes to scalability - it performs well in simple scenarios, and in complex ones - it just won't (unless you are very lucky and it's e.g. a case when there is only a single connection).Moreover, it lacks certain security features like user management and access control.

Alternative considerate:
An excellent database for mobile projects
Commenti: I have used this database for the development of mobile application projects and for the prototyping of web pages, which makes it a very good database, easy and agile when manipulating data
Aspetti positivi:
What I like most about this product or database is how easy it is to integrate with mobile projects in the creation of applications and its easy portability, as well as performance, agility and little space in its implementation that makes it unique when it comes to of mobile application projects
Aspetti negativi:
That for very large projects it is not so robust handling so many transaction threads
My Own Experience working with SQLite
Commenti: My overall experience using SQLite is good, but it is based on small projects, always working locally and with little information. If you are thinking of working on large-volume information projects, I recommend other applications related to somewhat better, more visual databases, and with more functions to generate code and store queries or procedures.
Aspetti positivi:
The best thing about SQLite is undoubtedly that you can work with it for free. In addition with SQLite we can perform any type of query that we would perform with another program.
Aspetti negativi:
What I like least about SQLite is undoubtedly nothing visual. The way to work with SQLite is through the console, and this may seem silly, and when you are accustomed it may not matter, but for people who begin to familiarize themselves with database environments, it is really useful for tables, and which is done with them, be fully visible. When displaying results by console, unless you print them in an external table, such as an Excel workbook, it will be quite complicated to see and analyze large results (Tables over 10k rows for example)

Alternative considerate:
Readily-Available Database Solution, But With Significant Limitations
Commenti: SQLite is best-known for its near-universal availability in many operating systems and programming languages, but this comes at a certain cost. It is possible to implement it in a variety of use cases, and it is simple to set up and get running quickly. On the other hand, it does tend to have some significant differences from other solutions in this area, and this can make it difficult to transition away from SQLite when expansion options are needed. If a simple database and engine is needed, SQLite is perfect, but once anything more advanced is required it can be frustrating to adapt existing tools and software to the existing database. Keeping these limitations in mind are key, and it may be worth considering if the ease of setup is a fair trade-off for the lack of transition pathways.
Aspetti positivi:
Widely available for a variety of use cases, easy to implement in various software packages, extensive documentation available
Aspetti negativi:
Rather limited feature set, functions do not always transfer particularly well to other use cases, a universal solution that often sacrifices features
SQl lites is very helpful company
Aspetti positivi:
Sql lite is eaay to use and the built are function is alo very good it helps me to save my time. The best i like is the supporting multiple languages like drupal and python
Aspetti negativi:
I like the least is supporting the multiple languages because i an a data analyst student and for that i need data which is store in database and i can arange the data in order

SQLite review
Aspetti positivi:
It is easy to use . We can easily manage and exicute data in it.
Aspetti negativi:
I don't dislike this software its perfect.

SQLite - compatability at it's best level
Commenti: SQLite has become more and more popular among the users because of its easy installation and easy accessing . As it is compatible with most of the programming languages and its light weight it is more popular among mobile application developers
Aspetti positivi:
SQLite is a light weighted data base which could be embedded with any software. Due to the light weightage of the product the data base is more popular In mobile application development. With it’s light weight it is also fast. SQLite is almost 35% faster than any other file system. SQLite is easy to use and there is not special installation or configurations needed to be done in order to use the product. All user have to do is download the libraries and run them in the computer. It is compatible which is why the product can be used with many programming languages with out any issues. Users are given a chance to extend their data base in future by adding new tables or new columns to the existing tables which is a great help for the ongoing projects.
Aspetti negativi:
SQLite is not a multi-user platform where the users can handle concurrent writes. There for SQLite is not good for intensive applications with rapid data logging. If the system has concurrent transactions where lot of users keep accessing the same set of data simultaneously then SQLite is not a good choice for the project. SQLite data bases are restricted to maximum of 2GB in most of the cases.
Small business helper
Commenti: Overall SQLite is good software in its field that can help greatly.
Aspetti positivi:
SQLite is suitable for small companies that doesn't have big databases. SQLite handles small data very easily. It doesn't load the computer. And is relatively easy to use.
Aspetti negativi:
As i mentioned SQLite is comfortable for small databases. But won't be affordable for large amount of data.
Commenti: overall good software.
Aspetti positivi:
Small in size, ready to use and other user loved features such as create, edit, delete databese
Aspetti negativi:
Sometimes interface of the software are difficult to understand.
Excellent option for quick and light needs.
Commenti: What I appreciate best about SQLIte is how lightweight it is and how easily it can be used in Android applications. It appears to be designed to function on tiny devices with a minimal footprint. It is also open source. Because no server configuration is necessary, installation and setup take very little time.
Aspetti positivi:
SQLite was an excellent choice for us when we wanted to store a database for a basic utility that we were developing. The performance appeared to be excellent, and it was really steady.
Aspetti negativi:
It is not completely functional with all capabilities unless you purchase a professional version, which comes at a cost.
The perfect landscape to train and test SQL
Commenti: Integrates well with SQL learning tool. Followed many guides in my quest to learn SQL and almost all suggested SQLite. This is mostly for training and testing.
Aspetti positivi:
About as simple as it gets -- as the name suggests. Made learning SQL easy knowing I wouldn't be affecting my own database.
Aspetti negativi:
I truly enjoyed using the product although I never use it anymore. It sits dormant on my computer now that I have a grasp of SQL.

Great for simple persistent storage
Aspetti positivi:
SQLite is great because it is really easy to interface with a number of languages, my preference being C#. This allows me to create persistent storage for my applications or Unity games. SQLite is also great because it does not require an installation, either on the developers side nor the players side, it is a simple DLL which can be embedded into the application with ease. It also has great support with database management GUIs allowing me to debug the database very quickly.
Aspetti negativi:
Off the top of my head, there are no glaring issues with SQLite. However it is important to know when a system like this is needed as opposed to another simple storage option such as XML/JSON etc.
Great Database For Smaller Loads
Commenti: This is definitely a great option when we are working on smaller projects that require and embedded database rather than the whole database setup. You quickly get up and running but security is definitely a concern when working on more sensitive work
Aspetti positivi:
It doesn't required installing an extra software. Provides the essentials in terms of structured query language which is often better than having to use a text file, especially when relations are involved. It is very cross-platform from mobile, desktop etc which makes life easier.
Aspetti negativi:
When it comes to systems that may have a lot of concurrent actions it, in my experience, often tends to lock up. It doesn't give much in terms of allowing to tune performance for more complex scenarios. There is no user management in place thus there are not permissions, it may not be the best option for more sensitive data Last I checked there was no date data type which means enforcing that date formats conformity is often on the developer's side.
Commenti: Reliable
Aspetti positivi:
This software is fast, reliable, and very useful for small and big projects. It's user-friendly and fast to learn. I like that it is an open-source SQL database engine. SQLite is very convenient because is an embedded and lightweight database engine and its tools are very easy to use.
Aspetti negativi:
SQLite is not a fit for large applications, it has its limitations. One of the reasons is that when you run a large amount of data, the speed of the queries could be slow
Depends on how you store your data
Aspetti positivi:
If you are storing variable data that resemble objects, use this instead of MySQL! There are also a lot of libraries built for accessing and manipulating SQLite databases now.
Aspetti negativi:
It takes up much more space and memory compared to conventional databases like MySQL
Fast Embedded database
Aspetti positivi:
Compact Fast Easy to use Preinstalled in most platform
Aspetti negativi:
Do not support nosql features Do not support multi client
Smooth and Reliable DBMS
Commenti: My overall experience has been smooth and SQLite has satisfied most of my needs. It's a lite, easy to use and robust for everyday needs. The support community is fantastic and you can find solution to most problems there.
Aspetti positivi:
SQLite is quite easy to install and get started. This makes it one of the best DBM tools for beginners. It's open source and free to install and runs on a server-less environment. The syntax is quite similar to any other SQL database management system.
Aspetti negativi:
The competition wins when it comes to scalability and is not suited for projects that will expand.

Very good for studying SQL, small projects and local storage
Commenti: Sometimes I use it as a stand alone application to make queries in the terminal or as a driver/library that is easily embedded into some of my software.
Aspetti positivi:
Very small footprint and overhead, battle-tested in real-world applications (which indicates that it’s pretty reliable) and well supported by several major companies. It’s also very good for people learning SQL due to its simplicity.
Aspetti negativi:
Cannot handle very large datasets well. It’s not ideal for concurrently running or distributed software.
SQLite is a good embedded database choice
Aspetti positivi:
I like how SQLite offer similar capabilities with full-pledged MSSQL. It runs traditional TSQL and it stays small in file size. It's very convenient to use and have so 3rd party management tools available.
Aspetti negativi:
When the database gets large, say around 2 gigs, loading times can be a bit slow.