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Eversports Manager
Cos'è Eversports Manager?
Eversports Manager è una soluzione software sviluppata in stretta collaborazione con i proprietari di studi. L'obiettivo è offrire ai proprietari di studi più tempo per i propri clienti e un modo intuitivo per espandere e promuovere la loro attività. Questo software multifunzione offre tutte le funzionalità necessarie per concentrarti su ciò che conta, ossia i tuoi studenti. Check-in semplice, gestione delle classi, prenotazioni e pagamenti online e altro ancora. Eversports Manager è stato progettato per supportarti in tutte le aree del tuo business.
Chi utilizza Eversports Manager?
Il cliente ideale è il proprietario di uno studio che preferisce flussi di lavoro logici e intuitivi alle funzioni complesse. Utenti che hanno bisogno di un software intuitivo e facile da utilizzare.
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Eversports Manager
Recensioni su Eversports Manager

Easy to use, really awesome tool and perfect support
Aspetti positivi:
For me it was significantly important to have my and my customers data stored within the EU. It was important to support austrias businesses. I love the design itself very much and the really easy way of thinking to use the software. Its very hard to catch all the needs of the people but they did a really good job and are fast improving according to the demands of us partners. I really love the support chat tool and that you get answers within minutes.
Aspetti negativi:
There is stil just one thing but I know its in planning. Its an app for the partners to administrate classes/workshops on the smartphone. That means you always need a browser to work and plan and whatever.
Risposta di Eversport GmbH
7 anni fa
Dear Gerd, Thank you for your review. We are very happy to hear your positive feedback. Let us know if we can help you any further to improve your experience with our tool.
A great partner
Commenti: I‘m happy to have such a strong partner at my side.
Aspetti positivi:
Eversports is an easy to use, but efficient software for planning, managing and accounting my yoga studio. We sell only online since one year which decreased organisational micro management dramatically- much more time for the rest of the business. Plus: The Support is fantastic, during the Corona Crisis Eversports was fast, efficient and reliable.
Aspetti negativi:
Nothing, I‘m really happy about my choice
Its ok - until you want to leave then all customer service is withdrawn
Commenti: Started off ok when we were using only basic features, but when we were trying to implement a member-centred business plan, we had to make so many workarounds which was endlessly frustrating. When we expressed these concerns with eversports we were simply told that we have to continue until December to pay monthly only then can we exit the platform. These were the final reasons we left Eversports- unable to create memberships with an introductory price - unable to create special perks for members - e.g discounts for workshops, one to one consultations- unable to easily sell memberships on site through the seller ledger. (although we were planning to look into this with the sepa add on) - limited data views - KPI information that we require not easy to find. - unable to integrate with marketing automation -e.g mailchimp/zapier to created nurture campaigns - this final one is the most important feature which is missing. One email is not enough, we have to be able to trigger a sequence of emails. - overall clunky difficult features which mean we are constantly finding workarounds which are not really ideal
Aspetti positivi:
At first we were impressed by the friendliness of staff and speed of support. That people can find us through the app marketplace. German language is primary.
Aspetti negativi:
We were using a simple system of acuity scheduling to manage the yoga studio before, unfortunately due to lack of desirable functions - we did not complete the transition and at one point had 3 different booking systems because Eversports wouldnt let us leave within the first 12 months. So we are still being charged around 100€/month. Every email that we send regarding this seems to get sucked into the void. However - we have already been removed from their marketplace, so we are paying 100€ / month for basically nothing now.
perfect for our cycling and yoga studios- a gamechanger in our operation
Aspetti positivi:
Very easy to use and a wide range of functionality. Support was very helpful with our transition from our old provider, who just could not keep up with our growth and need for more functionality. We operate 2 cycling and 1 yoga location and the system is very open to customize it according to our needs. From schedule to booking and payment. We can not complain. And our customers are very satisfied and we had no issues whatsoever since we rolled out Eversports 2 years ago.
Aspetti negativi:
I wish they would have a way to generate and use your own coupon codes etc. Running specials (and their administration would be a lot easier this way.)

Easy & Functional
Aspetti positivi:
The user interface both in the "manager" and the end user version.
Aspetti negativi:
Reporting is basic. Limited options, filters, export features.
using the software I could increase the companies sales
the eversports-team responded very quickly to the corona-crises and supportet the studios with their video platform
Aspetti positivi:
many features, commited team, great customer support
Aspetti negativi:
the implementation in our website using the iframe is not perfect
It takes a lot of time to get used to and the work flow is often rather complicated
Aspetti positivi:
The design looks good and the overviews of the invoices and daily transactions are well done. The schedule looks nice
Aspetti negativi:
The software is not adaptable to our policies and the way we work as a studio. We have to adapt how we work so we can use this system. It should be the other way around. The software should simply be an administrative and management tool to support us in what we do instead of requiring us to do things a certain way; e.g. it is not possible to completely turn off the online payment function; it is not possible to adjust all automatic texts that are sent out; when students signed up for a class and don't show classes should not be deducted from the blocks, whether they are deleted from the class or not Also what is missing, which is rather important, is the possibility to extract different kind of reports
growing, dynamic, fast, custom driven, congenial- GREAT
Aspetti positivi:
It is simple to use, quick and easy, almost everything we need for our studio is already working. Excellent, all features getting developed in accordance with the clients' needs and constantly improved.
Aspetti negativi:
At the moment, there is a workaround for handling Workshops, which is not the best solution for me. But its work in progress.
Risposta di Eversport GmbH
8 anni fa
Dear Roland, Thank you for your feedback, we love creating a software for studios like your and be rewarded with such an optimism and positive energy! All the best!
LOVE IT! very positive experience, great usability, great team
Aspetti positivi:
Ease of use, great support, less clicks to do transactions, is conform to Austrian accounting standards
Aspetti negativi:
Some features still missing, especially reporting tools, like class statistics (average customers per week, month...), but they are working hard on it and improving fast
Risposta di Eversport GmbH
8 anni fa
Dear Raphaela, We love it too that you love our tool :) Like you said so well, it is being improved everyday and new features (especially on reporting) are being released on a monthly basis. Kind Regards
Great program, which is easy to use, does what it has to and simplifies working a lot!
Commenti: We can handle our members and classes in an easy way, set up schedules easily and handle anything concerning administration, contracts etc.
Aspetti positivi:
That it's working as it should and it's intuitively applicable. And that you are working to make it better and better at any time!
Aspetti negativi:
At least... well hard to say... we need a feature for graduations. That's the only thing missing.....
Rundum gut versorgt!
Commenti: Ich fühle mich gut versorgt und kann Euch nur weiter empfehlen.
Aspetti positivi:
Bisher ist alles zu unserer Zufriedenheit umgesetzt worden und oft wird mehr geboten als uns eingefallen wäre.
Aspetti negativi:
Bisher ist mir noch nichts aufgefallen.
Alternative considerate:
Une plateforme efficace et intuitive !
Aspetti positivi:
Une plateforme très agréable à utiliser, tant du côté utilisateur qu'administrateur, avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités que l'on peut personnaliser selon les caractéristiques de notre studio.
Aspetti negativi:
Certains paramétrages ne sont pas intuitifs de suite, mais l'équipe est là pour nous guider lorsqu'on est perdu !
Alternative considerate:
Top Empfehlung für dein Studio!
Aspetti positivi:
Eversports macht mir das Leben leichter. Alles an einem Ort gespeichert, zugänglich für meine Treuhänderin, das erspart mir viel Arbeit und Aufwand. Zudem ist das Eversports Team stets bemüht Anregungen anzuhören und umzusetzen. Der Support ist grossartig.
Aspetti negativi:
Ich würde mir zum Beispiel wünschen, dass man die Option Kreditkartenzahlung ausschalten kann und dass man Events und Workshops genau so einfach wie Klassen absagen kann.
Zeit sparen mit Eversports
Commenti: Durch das Portal sparen wir viel Zeit und Aufwand beim der Verwaltung
Aspetti positivi:
Leichte Verwaltung der Teilnehmer und Verträge.
Aspetti negativi:
Teilweise die Erstellung der Memberships
Bin vollkommen zufrieden!
Aspetti positivi:
Ich finde die Software ist sehr durchdacht und gut bedienbar. Ich bin nach wie vor, von dem überdurchschnittlich guten Support begeistern. Ich war früher schon mit meiner Buchungssoftware bei Eversports, und nur kurzzeitig bei einem anderen Unternahmen. Ich bin Sehr froh wieder zurückgekommen zu sein..
Aspetti negativi:
Momentan gibt es keinerlei negativen Eindrücke
Zeitsparendes Tool mit bestem Service
Erspart mir Zeit, nimmt mir lästiges "Geld eintreiben" ab, da schnell und einfach Rechnungen erstellt, versandt oder auch Gutschriften rückverbucht werden.
Einfaches Planen von Kursen / Klassen / Workshops etc.
Aspetti positivi:
-Schnell und einfach Klassen/Kurse/Workshops planen, veröffentlichen -enorme Zeitersparnis bei Buchungsvorgängen, Zahlungsabwicklung usw. -genauso schnell und einfaches stornieren/ändern/umbuchen von Klassen oder Kunden -mit einem Klick bei z.B. Workshop-Ausfall alle Kunden benachrichtigt und Zahlungsverkehr rückerstattet, ohne dass ich was tun muss. -super Service. Ob ich Fragen zum Tool hab, zu Finanzen, zu Kundenbuchungen seit über 2 Jahren schnell, einfach, unkompliziert & stets sehr freundlich kompetente Rückmeldungen und Hilfe erhalten vom Team. - Zahlen im Überblick, Statistiken, super einfach auch für "Anti-Zahlen-Menschen" wie mich -Tool auch für Steuerberater super einfach nutzbar - spart Zeit & Geld
Aspetti negativi:
Nutzung des Managers am Handy ist echt nicht gut! Hier würde ich mir dringend eine App wünschen, da ich im Studio, wenn die Kunden vor Ort sind, nur via Handy bedienen kann...
Perfekte Plattform für deine Yogakurse
Commenti: Ich bin mega happy, dass ich mich 2020 für den EVERSPORTS MANAGER entschieden habe - ich spare mir so viel Zeit für die komplette Administration. Danke an das ganze EVERSPORTS Team! Macht weiter so!
Aspetti positivi:
Super einfache Handhabung, deinen eigenen Kursplan für Gruppenkurse, Yoga Workshops, Personal Training zu erstellen. Einmal eingerichtet, sparst du dir so viel Zeit, Orga und Rechnungswesen läuft automatisiert. Der EVERSPORTS Support ist genial - jede Frage wird total schnell beantwortet und man bekommt direkt eine Lösung an die Hand.
Aspetti negativi:
Aktuell habe ich keine Verbesserungsvorschläge. Macht genauso so weiter!
Facile d'utilisation et efficace
Commenti: Efficace, l'utilisation est simple. Le planning est efficace pour visualiser la semaine ou les semaines à venir. Des améliorations sont à faire mais les services proposés sont efficaces
Aspetti positivi:
le calendrier, les modèles que l'on peut dupliquer pour aller plus vite
Aspetti negativi:
l'utilisation des tickets pour les stages, de permettre de limiter les accès à certains clients
Expérience réussie!
Aspetti positivi:
L'utilisation du logiciel m'a facilité la vie! Entre les mails automatiques, la gestion du planning optimisée et le paiement en ligne, j'ai gagné un temps fou dans la gestion client. La nouvelle option de segmentation client est canon aussi pour envoyer en 1 fois le bon mail à la bonne personne. Et cerise sur le gâteau, le service client est hyper réactif avec les solutions adaptées.
Aspetti negativi:
ne pas pouvoir mettre de pièce jointes aux mails Prix un peu élevé quand on cumule l'abonnement au logiciel et les frais sur chaque opération
Yogastudio Management
Aspetti positivi:
Verwalten der Klassen und das Abrechnungssystem
Aspetti negativi:
Das Kundenmanagement könnte vielleicht noch bisserl persönlicher sein, weil ich ja nur ein EIN-FRAU-studio bin ;)
Bestes Kursplanungstool für CrossFit Boxen in Deutschland
Commenti: Ausschließlich positive Erfahrungen mit der Plattform
Aspetti positivi:
Super Usability, sehr guter Customer Support
Aspetti negativi:
Einige wünschenswerte Features fehlen leider
easy to use - super übersichtlich
Aspetti positivi:
Man hat alles super im Überblick. easy to use - tolle kostenlose Webinare - regelmäßige Neuerungen - top Helpdesk!
Aspetti negativi:
es wäre toll, wenn man aufgrund des Alters der Person einen Rabatt hinterlegen könnte. ansonsten hab ich nichts zu bemängeln.
Alles in allem sehr zufrieden!
Aspetti positivi:
Die einfache Bedienung, der schnelle Kundensupport und das ich alles was ich brauche in einem Tool habe.
Aspetti negativi:
Der Preis. Für ein kleines Studio ist das schon immer eine Menge Geld.
Easy to use. Friendly support.
Commenti: Wichtiges und wertvolles Tool für mein Online Business und für den professionellen Auftritt bei privaten und geschäftlichen Kunden.
Aspetti positivi:
Easy to use. Friendly support. Der Manager ist echt einfach zu nutzen. Es viel gibt mehr Funktionen ich am Anfang wusste und es kommen immer neue coole Sachen dazu.
Aspetti negativi:
Preis: Für mein geringes Volumen, das über Eversports läuft (bin hauptsächlich in B2B tätig) ist der Preis relativ hoch.
Super Service - Einfache Bedienung
Commenti: Bisher für mich ein sehr praktisches und nützliches Tool.
Aspetti positivi:
- Intuitive Bedienung - Gute Erreichbarkeit des Supports - Schnelle Rückmeldung - Freundliches/ kompetentes Personal - Alles gesammelt auf einer Fläche (Zahlungsabwicklung, Kundenmanagement und Buchung)
Aspetti negativi:
Momentan keine Punkte welche mir nicht gefallen :-)