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Cos'è Tyk?
Tyk è stato creato da ingegneri, hacker e sognatori che cercano di cambiare il mondo, non da ragazzi in giacca e cravatta che cercano di fare soldi facili o da nerd a caccia di finanziamenti per la propria startup e di un articolo su Forbes che parli di loro.
Tyk è una piattaforma di gestione e gateway API open source, con un gateway API, funzionalità di analisi, portale per sviluppatori e dashboard. Questa soluzione alimenta milioni di transazioni per migliaia di organizzazioni innovative. Tyk è disponibile per l'installazione on-premise, come servizio multi-cloud o SaaS.
Chi utilizza Tyk?
Gestione API aziendale, progettata per un mondo DevOps. Milioni di transazioni gestite ogni giorno per grandi imprese in tutto il mondo.
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Recensioni su Tyk

API Gateway on Tyk
Aspetti positivi:
Easy integration with cloud providers like kubernetes Good documentation for quick starts Ability to run on-prem easily
Aspetti negativi:
Nothing was wrong with the software during my usage
An easy to use, adaptable API Management solution
Commenti: It's been great working with them and their team. I appreciate how responsive they are to feature requests and have seen a number of issues/gaps we've seen addressed. Our integration with Tyk has been an overall positive experience.
Aspetti positivi:
The initial integration of the Hybrid Cloud option into our product was seamless and the migration of our existing API users straightforward. From a cost and functionality standpoint, Tyk was an easy choice and seems suited to many different deployment environments. The UI and dashboard is beautiful and easy to use/navigate. Their customer support is top notch as well.
Aspetti negativi:
The documentation for the APIs we needed for our use case were difficult to navigate and sometimes had gaps that required iteration with their technical team (though they were very responsive). At the time of our initial integration, it was not possible to programmatically pull usage statistics out of Tyk through public APIs, though I believe that has since been improved.
Nice solution but a bit pricey
Commenti: Tyk provides a nice solution for handling authentication between microservices.
Aspetti positivi:
Initial setup took a while to get right. Once running it is fairly easy to maintain and update via the user interface.
Aspetti negativi:
We started with the free plan and later upgraded to the pro plan. The tier definitions have changed and the prices are now quite high for our scenario.
Love the product and where it's going
Commenti: I love the product. It's really well built and the cost makes sense for our scale. All the issues I have with the software, are about polish. As you grow and expand your customer base, these are things to work on. They don't' detract from the value of what the tool does and where it's going.
Aspetti positivi:
The product is just works. We've never had an uptime issue or weird application issues. The concepts behind the tool are solid. The framework for it also solid.
Aspetti negativi:
There are a lot of parts and pieces to Tyk. I understand the need to break things part, but still to this day we haven't gotten Active Directory logs for the dashboard working. The tool was built for developers in mind, but not always for backend teams who are more focused in deploying applications and less in how they work. Documentation needs some love, it feels like there are more than a few versions and types. hard to work out what to do at any given moment. Also feels like I can never what options exist in the config. No single source of what things I can do.
Light Weight and Powerful API Management with Tremendous Support
Commenti: Have been used Tyk for about 1.5 years, i've blown away with the product architecture where Tyk consist with multiple light weight component. Tyk gateway and redis is the key component for the good performance. I have many experienced with API management product, by far this is the best in term of flexibility, easier to setup, stability. Setup tyk with container is very easy and can done in minutes. I hope they can make more feature and integration to make the product better compare with existing in the market.
Aspetti positivi:
Light weight, fast, very stable API Gateway, flexible with multiple installation package, easy to configure and setup, good product architecture design with multiple open source component, Easy and flexible developer portal with swagger, capable to integrate with logstash or other logging management, good product documentation, very good, good price and fast support response.
Aspetti negativi:
Overall is very good API management software, hope they can enhance the Admin Portal to have more feature to manage the API and more analytic/statistic in the dashboard.
Alternative considerate:
Very good API Gateway solution
Aspetti positivi:
The API management features, environment provisioning and deployment, plugins and extensibility.
Aspetti negativi:
Lack of ability to export and import in OpenAPI
Alternative considerate:
Strong API management solution
Aspetti positivi:
- Light-weight and rather easy to use - Very fast and stable API gateway - Migration to Tyk and of our API users went seamless, also thanks to a great customer service team
Aspetti negativi:
- We would love to see more statistics / analytics in the admin portal - The API documentation is good, but lacks practical advice on some parts
Minneapolis StarTribune Review
Aspetti positivi:
The functionality of the software accomplishes what we intended to do. We use Tyk as an API between our mobile application and our content management solution. The Tyk application ran seamless for years and the only time we needed to worry about it was when our license expired. Customer support did a great job of helping us out when we needed them.
Aspetti negativi:
There has to be a better solution when it comes to notifying customers when their license is set to expire. Ours expired unbeknownst to us until we had found out in the middle of an outage.
The On-Premise solution do the job perfectly
Commenti: 1 Million request a day and everything is smooth and functionnal, that is all that we want.
Aspetti positivi:
Since we use the OnPremise solution, the stability is perfect and the issues went away
Aspetti negativi:
In the dashboard, the oauth key visualisation is missing some features like display more information than the clientId, the possibility to sort and filters, etc.
Easy to hand but still complex in the details
Aspetti positivi:
The dashboard add a great user friendly interface to manipulate the GTW configuration.
Aspetti negativi:
Full restoring process (switch from Multi Cloud to on premise) is not so easy and is not tools assisted by tyk. On dashboard, we still have issues on some basical functions (search on api list or example)
tyk just cover all you need
Aspetti positivi:
API OpenSource High Performance Flexibility Complies with DevOps As-code
Aspetti negativi:
UI, but anyway you will no use UI on automated environments
Most flexible, and easy to deploy API gateway
Commenti: It's been a good experience everywhere except with support, which has been a little bit slow to respond.
Aspetti positivi:
Tyk's simplicity, it's speed, and the multitude of ways in which I can choose to configure it to support our platform.
Aspetti negativi:
The logs. They are so terse. I cannot use Tyk logs to perform much troubleshooting. Is there a more verbose setting for logs? Also, I don't see much guidance on how to upgrade Tyk via blue/green or canary deployments using a service mesh (such as Istio). It would be nice to publish an example.
Really helpful, save money and time
Commenti: Manage tokens which are provided to query to our services. Automatically block requesting when the limitation is reached
Aspetti positivi:
Easy to use. Tyk helps us easier for managing customer requests
Aspetti negativi:
Sometimes tyk service is down without any warning

Tyk - A very nice dashboard !
Commenti: Its a nice product and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a Dashboard API
Aspetti positivi:
The user interface is well done. Simple to understand for anybody who has never used a dashboard API
Aspetti negativi:
The setup can be a bit tricky when installing on linux. Also, the error messages displayed in the logs when a problem happens can be cryptic.
Great API Gateway
Aspetti positivi:
It is an easy and efficient API Gateway
Aspetti negativi:
Especially nothing, it is totally fine