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Cos'è Echobox?
Progettata esclusivamente per gli editori, Echobox è una soluzione di pubblicazione di social media potente.
Le avanzate tecnologie di intelligenza artificiale di Echobox aiutano gli editori a massimizzare il traffico, le entrate e il coinvolgimento da Facebook, Twitter, Instagram e LinkedIn, risparmiando tempo e denaro.
Oltre 800 tra i principali editori di tutto il mondo utilizzano Echobox, tra cui Newsweek, The Times, The Telegraph, Handelsblatt, Le Monde e Condé Nast. L'intelligenza artificiale di Echobox è personalizzata per ogni editore che utilizza questo servizio.
Chi utilizza Echobox?
Qualsiasi editore che utilizza i social media: giornali, riviste, stazioni televisive, radio, pubblicazioni digitali, pubblicazioni di interesse speciale, conglomerati di media.
Hai dubbi su Echobox?
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Recensioni su Echobox
Echobox: Un passo in avanti per la nostra attività
Commenti: Sono più di 4 anni che utilizziamo Echobox e non ne riusciamo più a farne a meno. E' fondamentale per mantenere la nostra pagina facebook sempre aggiornata con post competitivi
Aspetti positivi:
Grazie ad Echobox riusciamo a scegliere il momento migliore per postare gli articoli della nostra testata giornalistica
Aspetti negativi:
Non hanno personale che parla Italiano, ma non è un
Echobox, grande intelligenza per piccoli editori
Commenti: Echobox ha un ottimo servizio assistenza e un ottimo servizio di tutoraggio. In lingua italiana con competenza te puntualità!
Aspetti positivi:
Il sistema Echobox è ideale per editori. Lo studio dei contenuti permette un'altissima conoscenza del proprio target e garantisce una ottima diffusione dei contenuti oltre il solito e inutile "orari consigliati"
Aspetti negativi:
Mi piacerebbe avete delle statistiche aggiornate sulle prestazioni social
Echobox? Assolutamente sì!
Aspetti positivi:
Ho ritenuto abbastanza impressionante l'algoritmo di machine learning, che nel giro di pochi giorni ha imparato a lavorare automaticamente come un essere umano, intercettando i bisogni dell'audience e proponendo i contenuti nel momento giusto. Il team di supporto molto efficiente, a qualsiasi problema ha risposto con tempestività.
Aspetti negativi:
Costi un po' alti ma ampiamente compensati dal tempo risparmiato
Il tool di automazione dei social media imprescindibile
Aspetti positivi:
Permette di risparmiare una enorme quantità di tempo nella selezione dei contenuti da pubblicare, nella scelta del momento in cui pubblicarlo, pianificazione dei rilanci e scelta dei copy.
Aspetti negativi:
Il costo è un po' alto e quindi non per tutti ma si compensa ampiamente col tempo risparmiato.
echobox vogue.it
Commenti: Molto buona, lo uso tutti i giorni
Aspetti positivi:
Permette di creare lanci sia per Facebook sia per Twitter nello stesso momento. Aggiunge da solo gli UTM commerciali e bitly per Twitter. Ha una "memoria" sui testi già lanciati che rende più facile fare lo stesso lancio in un momento successivo.
Aspetti negativi:
Non ha memoria invece delle foto, se cambi orario su facebook e poi su twitter su quest'ultimo resta doppio
Amazing product providing measurable results
Commenti: The implementation was easy, the platform is straightforward, and we have seen measurable lifts in our social presence since integrating Echobox into our tech stack.
Aspetti positivi:
The AI features were much needed to provide our teams direction on which pieces of content to share and when.
Aspetti negativi:
I think I would like to see more insights into the movement of AI scoring for specific pieces of content, especially the scoring between when scheduling a post and when it was actually shared by the platform.
Huge time savings. A smart social media management tool we trust!
Commenti: Our experience with Echobox for our website has been excellent. We had a 25% boost in Facebooktraffic for social media scheduling and automation, which is encouraging!
Aspetti positivi:
Save time and effort. We have more time to work on our material, and we are less frustrated with social media ever-changing algorithm. It identifies articles on our site and makes them widely read and commented on again, regardless of their publishing date. The metrics are amazing, as is the A/B post testing option, which provided our entire editing staff with a better understanding of how to create the effective headline.
Aspetti negativi:
Most of the time, we schedule articles with share links using EchoBox. But we see that postings featuring photos and videos don't really result in an increase in engagement (reaction, like, remark, or share). Additionally, unlike scheduling directly on the Facebook or Instagram platform, there are limit options when scheduling posts that include media, such as images and videos.
Yolanda Palezweni
Commenti: It save a lot of time.
Aspetti positivi:
For my being a reporter and constantly have to update social media with relevant content so Echo Box has been doing well for me. Now I can even see what kind of stories our audience interact with the most and try to deliver such content ASAP. With that being said, Echo Box has been doing justice and save time. d\
Aspetti negativi:
Technical glitches now and again, Echo box fails to load pictures sometimes.
Alternative considerate:
An easy-to-use and powerful social sharing tool
Commenti: Slate.fr, being a pure player, we do rely a lot on our presence on social media. This is definitely at the core of our strategy as a company. Echobox made our social media editors’ lives much easier. It is an intuitive, very useful and quick-to-learn tool. We use to spend so much time posting on the different platforms individually. With Echobox, having all of our accounts on one tool has been a substantial time saver. This and the AI-driven time-slot posting feature helped us achieve the traffic goal we had in our newsroom.
Aspetti positivi:
The feature that sold us on going with Echobox is the time-slot one, adding a score above the posts, suggesting if that is relevant at that time, and letting the algorithm post at the most suitable time.
Aspetti negativi:
No Instagram reels or TikTok implementation for now (but available soon!)
Echobox makes social media simple
Commenti: Using Facebook's Business Manager is quite simply a nightmare. Echobox removes all the struggles of Facebook's backend and then adds way more functionality. There's tracking automatically included on every link; you can select to either let Echobox optimise the time you post, choose a window, or an exact time; A/B testing is available on every aspect of a Facebook post so you can really drill down into what makes your audience click; there are inbuilt analytics; you can edit images within the post; and you can post to multiple platforms (e.g. Twitter and Facebook) simultaneously. It's a huge time saver.
Aspetti positivi:
Echobox is extremely easy to learn, even for those unfamiliar with social media posting, and is a huge time-saver because you can post cross-platform in a matter of moments. The A/B testing option is very helpful for honing posts to suit your audience. Plus, there is excellent customer support on the rare occasion there is a problem.
Aspetti negativi:
Honestly nothing. Maybe the only downside is that an A/B test takes 45 minutes which can feel like a long time in the fast-paced news cycle, but it's necessary to get accurate results.
Essential social media tool
Aspetti positivi:
Echobox is a useful tool for digital media with a big number of articles to publish on social media channels per day. The AI automatically helps you to organize all the posts and to schedule them at the best time
Aspetti negativi:
I think it could improve its analytics display.
Newsletters never have been easier and more effective
Commenti: For sure, saving time is huge for every business, but most important is that each procedure actually works. So, by using echobox newsletters, we obtained a modern result, traffic increase, and at the same time we saved a lot of time.
Aspetti positivi:
We spend actually no time to produce and send newsletters, as automatically it "chooses" the most-possible -to-like for our subscribers, You only set some parameters once (how often to send, time lapse, titles, logos, banners) and then you don't have to worry again!
Aspetti negativi:
We haven't, until know, feel that something fails our expectations.
Overall a great social media tool
Aspetti positivi:
Convenience of scheduling posts across various Facebook pages with just a few clicks
Aspetti negativi:
Some bugs like English words lumped together when fetching the default text; not "intelligent" enough to fetch the correct portion of the portrait image as the default sharing image, etc.
Love this platform
Aspetti positivi:
Fantastically easy to use, much better than the Facebook interface - being able to promote across multiple pages/platforms is a great time saver as well!
Aspetti negativi:
I would love to be able to report retrospectively on Echobox scores at the time of being posted. Also be good if A/B split test click-through rates were at 2 decimal places, but that's a minor quibble.
Very good
Commenti: The best tool I used
Aspetti positivi:
What I liked the most is the ease of use, the accessibility from the cell phone and its artificial intelligence that allows it to achieve a great reach.
Aspetti negativi:
Your Instagram Management. The handling of Instagram because it has errors. However, they are quickly solved
Echobox reseña
Commenti: El uso es diario para publicación, programación y edición de contenido a publicar en Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn y X. La automatización es clave, ya que el volumen de publicaciones es grande y esta permite sacar el contenido en el orden y momento más acorde según el comportamiento de nuestros seguidores.
Aspetti positivi:
La herramienta ayuda a agilizar el trabajo del equipo de Redes Sociales al agruparlas todas en un mismo lugar. Sumaron herramientas como compartir reels en colaboración para Instagram, lo que permite programar todo el calendario desde Echobox sin usar las diferentes herramientas nativas. Es de simple uso y más cuando se realizan tareas de manera diaria. La automatización del contenido por franjas horarias, según la necesidad del equipo, es muy útil.
Aspetti negativi:
Incorporaron una función que permite transformar en imágenes los diferentes links que se publican, sobre todo en Facebook, con el objetivo de aumentar la distribución, pero aún no se puede establecer correctamente cómo conformar esa publicación (sugerencia enviada), y las imágenes pueden quedar sueltas, por lo que sería bueno que sumen una marca de agua del cliente y que quede identificada.
Ideal para la automatización de contenidos
Commenti: Mi experiencia ha sido positiva, ya que nos ha permitido integrar de manera fácil y rápida una herramienta para la publicación de contenido en redes sociales, maximizando la productividad y alcance con nuestros usuarios.
Aspetti positivi:
Su facilidad de integración con nuestro sistema a través de RSS y la optimización en la publicación de contenido en redes sociales.
Aspetti negativi:
En casos especiales no se permite modificar la forma en que realiza las publicaciones, lo cual seria bueno para ciertos tipos de contenidos.
Recomiendo la plataforma
Aspetti positivi:
La forma en la que nos permite publicar y programar contenido
Aspetti negativi:
No encuentro desventajas por el momento, estoy muy conforme
Muy buena herramienta para programar publicaciones en redes sociales.
Aspetti positivi:
La interfaz es sencilla y muy intuitiva, y es muy fácil vincular nuestra página web con la herramienta por medio de Content Feeds
Aspetti negativi:
Ecobox puede ser más claro en el precio de sus servicios dentro su página web
Un très bon outil pour les médias qui cherchent à simplifier la gestion de leurs réseaux sociaux.
Commenti: Echobox nous permet de planifier facilement nos publications grâce à l’IA, ce qui nous permet de nous concentrer sur la création de contenu de qualité pour notre site web. Le fait que nous puissions intégrer notre flux RSS nous permet de ne pas manquer une seule de nos publications d’articles.
Aspetti positivi:
Echobox est un outil incroyable pour les médias qui cherchent à simplifier la gestion de leurs réseaux sociaux. Nous utilisons Echobox pour diffuser en continu nos articles d'informations locales sur Facebook et Twitter, même en dehors des heures de travail. Grâce à cet outil, nous sommes en mesure de rester connectés avec notre audience à tout moment de la journée, et cela a considérablement augmenté notre portée sur les réseaux sociaux.
Aspetti negativi:
En analysant les mots clés, les thèmes et les sujets abordés dans un article, Echobox pourrait générer des hashtags qui reflètent mieux le contenu de nos articles afin d'attirer un public plus engagé. Cette amélioration nous permettrait d'augmenter notre visibilité sur les réseaux sociaux et d'attirer un public plus intéressé par notre contenu. Nous le faisons pour l'instant manuellement.
Outil de référence dans la gestion des Réseaux sociaux
Aspetti positivi:
Utilisation facile et didactique, automatisation très pratique, nécessaire lorsqu'on dispose de plusieurs pages et réseaux, accompagnement idéal et à l'écoute
Aspetti negativi:
Mise en main et formation auprès d'un grand nombre longue
Acabaram os problemas de publicação de posts
Commenti: A automação possibilitou que nosso time pudesse se concentrar em outras atividades de suma importância para o bom funcionamento da empresa
Aspetti positivi:
A Echobox se mostrou uma ferramenta muito valiosa para nosso portal, graças a sua fácil implementação, conseguimos iniciar os serviços de maneira rápida e simples, sem problemas de configurações.Seu dashboard intuitivo nos possibilitou dominar a ferramenta de maneira muito tranquila, graças a essas facilidades, conseguimos colher os frutos da parceria rapidamente, nossas redes sociais chegaram em patamares acima do que tínhamos e nosso time tem tempo e liberdade para poder exercer outras tarefas importantes para o nosso portal.
Aspetti negativi:
Precisaria ter um suporte com o fuso de horário ajustado ao nosso país. São rápidos e eficazes, mas dependendo da hora, apenas no dia seguinte
Alternative considerate:
Social media automation and content management
Commenti: It saves a lot of time since we can just schedule the next few hours in thirty minutes top, freeing our time to make a strategy or create content for other platforms.
Aspetti positivi:
Echobox helps with scheduling and content distribution, as well as reshares and social media analytics. The analytics provided by Echobox are detailed and help a lot for an admin who juggles between many platforms at once, since you can just look at both Twitter and Facebook analytics in one place.
Aspetti negativi:
Echobox provides AI-message for social media teasers and captions. It also has automatic posting which depends on the content/keyword of the articles. However, these two features need a lot of human supervision. I've found that Echobox sometimes prioritizes articles that are not time-sensitive or newsworthy.
Great tool for any social media team.
Aspetti positivi:
Super easy to get setup, great support. Big value in automation and time savings for my team. Maximize your investment pretty quickly.
Aspetti negativi:
None - would love to be able to post Facebook and Instagram stories with it though.
Comprehensive solution for social media
Aspetti positivi:
Great user interface and useful machine learning
Aspetti negativi:
Analytics could be more powerful (eg search function). Can sometimes be a little sluggish. Can't be logged into two broswers at once