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Cos'è Photopea?
Consente di modificare le foto, applicare effetti, filtri, aggiungere testo e ritagliare o ridimensionare le immagini.
Chi utilizza Photopea?
Non specificato dal fornitore
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Recensioni su Photopea
Piattaforma online per modificare le immagini
Commenti: Ottima. Ormai non utilizzo altro per la modifica delle immagini.
Aspetti positivi:
Il poter avere uno strumento di modifica ed editing immagini online. Accessibile da ovunque.
Aspetti negativi:
Niente. Per me è perfetto così com’è senza alcun problema.
Un editor di immagini online comodo, intuitivo e per di più anche gratuito !
Commenti: Lo uso per la comodità di utilizzare un software online di foto-ritocco quando sono fuori sede, con comandi molto molto simili a quelli del più famoso Photoshop. Spesso ultimamente mi sta capitando di utilizzare anche funzioni di condivisione di risorse con colleghi tramite Dropbox.
Aspetti positivi:
Drag & Drop molto funzionale. Mi piace l'esportazione di file e l'uso dei livelli che lo rendono molto simile a software di foto-ritocco più blasonati e conosciuti presenti sul mercato. Photopea anche nella sua versione free è molto affidabile, anche se pesano tanto le risorse ed il sistema operativo a disposizione sul pc che si sta utilizzando essendo un programma fruibile online. Comodissima anche la condivisione e la gestione di file di lavoro con Google Drive e Dropbox
Aspetti negativi:
Aggiungerei nel tool di modifica delle immagini un maggior numero di comandi specifici come : altera, inclina, distorci , prospettiva, etc ..

Aspetti positivi:
Photopea è un software facilmente accessibile che offre una funzionalità base di editing. Lo trovo molto ben fatto e mi ci sono adattata perfettamente.
Aspetti negativi:
Photopea ha sicuramente meno funzioni a livello di filtri fotografici rispetto ad altri software con più notorietà.

Valido e promettente
Aspetti positivi:
Photopea è un software di grafica con un'interfaccia relativamente semplice alla quale rapportarsi; offre molteplici funzioni e riesce tranquillamente ad essere uno dei programmi più gettonati del settore grazie alla sua professionalità.
Aspetti negativi:
Photopea ha presentato, a mio avviso, una certa mancanza di opzioni più innovative offerte però dai più celebri software di grafica. Per esempio un altro software che non cito, con un click, mi riesce a ricreare degli spazi grazie all'intelligenza artificiale, che photopea purtroppo non riesce a mimicare a causa della semplicità del prodotto in sé.

Aspetti positivi:
Valida alternativa al più celebre software al quale è ispirata, photopea non ha nulla da invidiare anche ai software più famosi; impostazioni chiare , velocità e professionalità. Consigliatissimo!!
Aspetti negativi:
L'unica cosa che non mi piace molto è che se i files sono troppo grandi ci sta un po' a caricare, ma penso dipenda molto dal mio computer purtroppo.

Aspetti positivi:
Alternativa valida al più celebre software di editing; Photopea garantisce un menù facile persino per i nuovi utenti ed ha integrato gli aspetti più importanti per chi come noi ha necessità di avere ambienti di lavoro ordinati, chiari e precisi. Non ha nulla da invidiare a nessun software, la sua velocità è impressionante!
Aspetti negativi:
A volte capita il programma vada in crash, facendomi perdere ogni modifica.. fortunatamente si può evitare di perdere gran parte del lavoro salvando in modo ricorrente.

Nulla da invidiare ad altri software
Commenti: Complessivamente lo trovo un programma molto valido, che riesce a tener testa persino a software molto più costosi e più complicati del necessario.
Aspetti positivi:
Photopea offre una vasta gamma di tools in grado di tenere facilmente testa ai software più conosciuti nel settore, a mio avviso è veramente valido.
Aspetti negativi:
L'unica "pecca" del programma ahìme è che con dei fogli di lavoro molto grandi tende a diventare un po' lentino, ma oltre questo tutto okay.

Veramente consigliato
Aspetti positivi:
Photopea, unico software che mi ha concesso di poter lavorare sul mio vecchio portatile fino alla sua dipartita; velocità invidiabile persino ai software più conosciuti, e sicuramente altrettanto valido. Consigliato di cuore per la velocità che mantiene persino sui dispositivi con ancora Windows 7.
Aspetti negativi:
Per ora ho trovato solo fattori positivi. Lo consiglio.
editor di foto online
Aspetti positivi:
la comodità dell'editor avendolo online
Aspetti negativi:
gui molto complessa e lenta nell'utilizzo
I vantaggi di Photopea
Aspetti positivi:
Si tratta di un software online che ti permette di creare disegni digitali o di modificare immagini. L'ho utilizzato con una tavoletta grafica e l'ho trovato molto efficiente, all'altezza dei programmi a pagamento.
Aspetti negativi:
Le prime volte si fa fatica a trovare gli strumenti che servono. Dopo un paio di utilizzi diventa più intuitivo e si imparano le scorciatoie per selezionare lo strumento desiderato.

A compact Cluster of My Favorite Image Editing Tools
Commenti: It's a great alternative for editing online. It's fast and flexible.
Aspetti positivi:
Photopea is an amazing online Photoshop alternative. It's free and very easy to use.Its user interface is very beginner-friendly as all its features are distributed accurately.It works perfectly with project files from Sketch, Adobe XD, CorelDraw, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, and Adobe Illustrator.It supports Layer Masking, layers, selection, paths, smart objects (SOs), Layer styles, Text Layers, Vector shapes, and FiltersIt's not different from the regular Photoshop or Sketch App, I usually work with (except with a few differences). This tool is free and just one Google search away.What I really like about this tool is the fact that I can work flexibly without signing up or purchasing any paid membership.I get to choose from a range of screen sizes to commence a project with and I can export my files in different formats just like in Photoshop.I can also choose to save the project as a . PSD file which I can easily deploy to other advanced versions of Photoshop. It's incredible and thank the developers for making such an amazing tool available to the public for absolutely free.
Aspetti negativi:
Here's a little bug I've experienced with the tool. Sometimes exporting an image in PNG (with transparent background) doesn't work properly. It either distorts the image or exports it with a dark blur background.I experienced this like 3 to 5 times and after trying for the sixth time, It worked.Secondly, Photopea is still limited in advanced image editing.
Basically Photoshop but free
Commenti: I used to use Photoshop until I found Photopea. The interface is nearly identical and allows me to remove backgrounds, edit images, etc. EXACTLY as I would in Photoshop. It offers the same tools so it was a no brainer to make the switch when I was already trained on Photoshop. After all, it's FREE!
Aspetti positivi:
Photopea's interface is basically identical to Photoshop but it's FREE! How can you beat that? It's cloud-based so you can easily access it from anywhere without the need to download software.
Aspetti negativi:
I do not have anything negative to say about Photopea. It's been an excellent alternative to Photoshop!
Photopea review
Commenti: I like it alot and use it along with sketch for my digital design needs.
Aspetti positivi:
The wide range of tool selections. Also the ease of use.
Aspetti negativi:
The worst thing about it was the text to image tools.
Alternative considerate:
Photopea is my destiny.
Commenti: Great! turn to it everytime I have a design project.
Aspetti positivi:
having familiarity with photoshop allows for a quick startup sharing simular GUI & tools. Being web-based allows me to edit from many locations.
Aspetti negativi:
Saving and exporting can be quite cumbersome, once your design has many layers the browser takes up a lot of cpu, could be mostly a result of the hardware your system is running to gage its performance.
All you need in one place
Commenti: I can't believe that it's actually free to use. No need to spends hundreds to get your business what it needs. Can't imagine using anything else.
Aspetti positivi:
Photopea is something I can't go without on daily basis. Even though I can use more expensive softwares to do the same thing, I always come back to photopea. Easy, supports multiple formats, doesn't take any storage on any device. The best part is that I can use it on any laptop or computer without needing to pay and download on every device. All I need is to open my browser, get my files from cloud storage and I am working from anywhere.
Aspetti negativi:
Nothing is perfect, and same applies to photopea. With some files, photopea struggles to open and view them properly. Happens rarely but enough so that I have to find different vectors and files etc.
Photopea, the must have software
Commenti: Photopea is a free, convenient, and economical software to use.
Aspetti positivi:
Since Photopea is a free version, you can use it without any burden when using multiple devices such as computers or iPads.
Aspetti negativi:
There is some inconvenience in using the service due to limited availability.
Photopea - a quick and intuitive learning curve for excellent quality results
Commenti: Really happy that I found it. I mainly use it for converting jpeg pictures into webp format for my website, but I am gradually working my way through a whole load of pictures of mine from the 1980's and upgrading them. So easy to do with Photopea.
Aspetti positivi:
I LOVE that Photopea has a Chrome extension. My main use for it is converting jpeg's into webp format for my website.
Aspetti negativi:
I have found nothing that I didn't like - Photopea ticks all the boxes for me.
Used to love it now I hate it
Commenti: I used to love photopea, but now I am looking elsewhere because now it just lock ups all the time and the ADS are annoying. I will be switching and finding another program.
Aspetti positivi:
processing and converting PSD's for card designs
Aspetti negativi:
always freezes up and locks my pc up and have to continuously reboot. Makes doing my job very difficult.
Creative Alliance Review
Commenti: It has been a very positive experience for us as a free software which we use regularly to make YouTube thumbnails and the templates already present help us a lot in saving our time
Aspetti positivi:
Ability to do almost everything that photoshop has to offer for free, easy to use, online access, readymade templates for convenience
Aspetti negativi:
The overall look of the software could be streamlined and made to look more appealing, there might be some instability issues occassionally
Photopea great alternative to Photoshop
Commenti: For my use cases, it's pretty good. I limit myself to fixing backgrounds, resizing images and improving image tones.
Aspetti positivi:
It's a free accessible online version of Photoshop
Aspetti negativi:
It's unfortunately very slow. I believe they have changed their data loads to face cost of servers management. As a result only, premium customers get to have a fast service.
Photoshop On-The-Go
Aspetti positivi:
The light, portable and web version of Photoshop. There is barely any difference for a basic user between Photoshop and Photopea. It does everything you need without installing heavy softwares. Extremely powerful and useful website that runs on any hardware.
Aspetti negativi:
Doing heavy editing might crash the website and lose all the data if you have lower end pc.
An Inexpensive photo editing app with all the features.
Commenti: Overall, working with photopea has been a really good experience. I have used it for a good time now, and I don't find any other web-based editing tool so powerful.
Aspetti positivi:
Photopea is one of the best free image and graphic editing software. It is available on the web browser, and using it is very elementary. I did not like using much editing software and photopea turned out to be the best option. It has a simple UI, and you can do everything very easily on the platform. It offers multiple import/export models which can help you with multiple file types.
Aspetti negativi:
Photopea is pretty good, but something that can be further improved is the number of ready-made templates and options for quick image editing. Moreover, the drag and drop UI can be enhanced a little as it lags sometimes while uploading large files.
Photopea - Ambitious Image editing tool with ambitious goals
Commenti: Photopea is a wonderful piece of editing software and is deservedly the best Photoshop contender for me. It is my go-to option for small editing / designing sessions when I am in a hurry or on a Linux system. The best part of it is that it is free and has clear documentation and tutorials.
Aspetti positivi:
Photopea is a revolutionary replacement for Photoshop and that too on a browser and that too for free. While it is too complex for casual editing purposes, it is a wonderful piece of software which has many features that I like such as: - It is on the browser. So that means no messy setup, no disk space to be allocated, and the most important - Multiplatform. - It has basically all of the most used features of other native image editors. Layers, multiple file exports and many more. - It is free, and that removes the barrier for anyone to get started with some quality design work.
Aspetti negativi:
Photopea is slow for me. Over the years, I have tried it on many systems and browsers but I always feel that lack of speed as compared to a native image editor. On an editing session with many layers, it gets really slow for me, and it does not work as well as I would prefer with my Graphic Tablet. Honestly, I would prefer to wait 5-10 mins for loading and then working at a lightning fast speed rather that loading really quickly and waiting for my actions to complete on every intensive editing session. And also, Photopea doesn't have much feature set for creating digital art when compared to its native editing counterparts.
Another alternative to Adobe Photoshop!
Commenti: The app is basically Photoshop but free, if you want or love editing images or maybe making a skin in a game but don't have the money to pay for Photoshop, this is the perfect app for you, you just need to open the internet and type Photopea on the search bar, it will pop out at the top of the search result, now, there is some difference in how this app work, especially the keybind, but you will get used to it eventually, one thing that I hope Photopea has is that the function of "middle arrangement" and range counter, when you can put a set of pictures at a certain distance in which Photoshop will tell you the range of between picture, making your design look neatly organized
Aspetti positivi:
It's free, yes there are some ads on the border of the window, but that is enough price to pay to use this app, it also supports saving in DDS, which I really appreciate when making game skin, it also has other save options like JPEG and PNG.
Aspetti negativi:
You need to be online to use it, and it's quite tricky to use if you are already too used to Photoshop

Photopea review
Commenti: easy to install, learn and use. good user interface and user friendly
Aspetti positivi:
excellent editing application having advanced capabilities. has capabilities for beginners and for expert users.
Aspetti negativi:
3D design support is limited to very few features which can be improved