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a scegliere i migliori software

Cos'è Entersekt?
Entersekt è un innovatore di soluzioni di tecnologia finanziaria per dispositivi mobili. Banche e altre istituzioni si affidano alla sua tecnologia brevettata di identità mobile per proteggere i viaggi digitali dei propri clienti, offrendo al contempo un'esperienza utente di livello mondiale indipendentemente dal canale in uso. Sia che si tratti di perseguire la conformità attraverso la sicurezza delle applicazioni all'avanguardia e l'autenticazione avanzata, sia che si cerchi di soddisfare la domanda dei consumatori per le funzionalità di pagamento in movimento, i clienti di Entersekt usufruiscono sempre di un vantaggio competitivo.
Chi utilizza Entersekt?
Istituti finanziari, società di gestione patrimoniale, assicuratori e operatori sanitari.
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Recensioni su Entersekt

Free from cyber attacks
Commenti: prevents transactions that can be fraud or steal transaction data due to its high security that they execute
Aspetti positivi:
The virtual payment experience is totally reliable for customers, with Entersekt a secure platform is offered when making transactions because it is free of phishing
Aspetti negativi:
It has not been perfect but when something goes wrong we solve it quickly with the support service that provides solutions efficiently

Security and comfort combined
Commenti: Great product, great people. Always ready to discuss issues and new ideas.
Aspetti positivi:
You buy a fully equiped solution with SDK, server appliancy and cloud services that integrates well with your existing applications. Performance and reliablity of its service is outstanding - measured 100% availability over the last months and years.
Aspetti negativi:
Visual customization is somehow limited in the standard. But you can write own code to overcome that.
Secure channel for 3-D Secure payment authentication
Commenti: We have been using Transakt for several years now and are basically satisfied with it. As I said, the most important thing is that the secure app channel has never had any security problems until now.
Aspetti positivi:
With Transak, our "out-of-the-box" auth solution for 3-D Secure out-of-band authentication, our customers never had security problems. As a consequence of this, the fraud rate for e-commerce payments has been reduced and the user experience has improved.
Aspetti negativi:
During the implementation of new features in Transakt, there were sometimes bugs in the software of Transakt, which delayed the implementation on our side.
Commenti: Entersekt are constant innovators.
Aspetti positivi:
Entersekt is a market leader in the security space, and makes security as seamless as possible.
Aspetti negativi:
They tend to be quite pricy, but are willing to negotiate.