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Cos'è SpiraTest?

SpiraTest è una solida piattaforma di gestione della qualità progettata per ottimizzare l'intero ciclo di vita dei test del software. Le sue funzionalità avanzate garantiscono una pianificazione, un'esecuzione e una governance dei test senza interruzioni, mantenendo al contempo la conformità e la distribuzione efficiente di un software privo di difetti. 📍Funzionalità principali: ✅ Tracciabilità end-to-end: stabilisci il collegamento bidirezionale dei casi di test ai requisiti, assicurando una copertura completa e un'analisi delle lacune in tempo reale. ✅ Gestione centralizzata della qualità: repository unificato per la gestione degli elementi di test, che consente funzionalità avanzate di categorizzazione, filtraggio e ricerca per progetti su larga scala. ✅ Tracciamento dei difetti: il monitoraggio nativo dei difetti con supporto di sincronizzazione garantisce flussi di lavoro efficienti per la risoluzione dei problemi. ✅ Esecuzione scalabile dei test: supporta flussi di lavoro di test ibridi (manuali e automatizzati), con monitoraggio dei progressi in tempo reale. ✅ Flessibilità tra progetti: condividi test case, requisiti e difetti tra più progetti per garantire la coerenza. Garantisci un controllo qualità all'insegna della tranquillità per tutti.

Chi utilizza SpiraTest?

Project manager, responsabili del controllo qualità, analisti aziendali e tester software che necessitano di un sistema integrato di gestione dei requisiti, dei test e dei difetti per gestire i test del software end-to-end e il ciclo di vita del controllo qualità.

Dove si può implementare SpiraTest?

Basato sul cloud

Informazioni sul fornitore

  • Inflectra
  • Sede: Silver Spring, USA
  • Fondata nel 2006

Assistenza di SpiraTest

  • Assistenza telefonica
  • Chat

Disponibilità per Paese

Arabia Saudita, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgio e altri 37


ceco, cinese, cinese tradizionale, finlandese, francese e altri 4

SpiraTest prezzo

Prezzo di partenza:

43,66 USD/mese
  • Sì, offre prova gratuita
  • Senza versione gratuita

SpiraTest non dispone di un piano gratuito ma offre una versione di prova gratuita. La versione a pagamento di SpiraTest è disponibile a partire da 43,66 USD/mese.

Piani tariffari richiedi una prova gratuita

Informazioni sul fornitore

  • Inflectra
  • Sede: Silver Spring, USA
  • Fondata nel 2006

Assistenza di SpiraTest

  • Assistenza telefonica
  • Chat

Disponibilità per Paese

Arabia Saudita, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgio e altri 37


ceco, cinese, cinese tradizionale, finlandese, francese e altri 4

Video e immagini di SpiraTest

SpiraTest Software - 1
SpiraTest Software - 2
SpiraTest Software - 3
SpiraTest Software - 4
SpiraTest Software - 5
Vedi altri 6
Video di SpiraTest
SpiraTest Software - 1
SpiraTest Software - 2
SpiraTest Software - 3
SpiraTest Software - 4
SpiraTest Software - 5

Caratteristiche di SpiraTest

  • Alerts/Escalation
  • Codificazione e controllo dei documenti
  • Controllo accessi/Autorizzazioni
  • Controllo di qualità
  • Dashboard
  • Garanzia di qualità
  • Gestione degli audit
  • Gestione dei reclami
  • Gestione dei requisiti
  • Gestione del flusso di lavoro
  • Gestione del repository
  • Gestione del rischio
  • Gestione del testing dei software
  • Gestione della conformità
  • Gestione delle attività
  • Gestione delle mansioni
  • Gestione delle modifiche
  • Multiple Test Types
  • Prioritizzazione
  • Rendicontazione e analisi statistiche
  • Revisione di script di test
  • Rilevamento dei difetti
  • Strumenti collaborativi
  • Supporto per l'esecuzione in parallelo
  • Tracciabilità
  • Verifica dei problemi
  • Vista gerarchica

Alternative a SpiraTest

Wrike è un software di project management per le imprese con modelli di lancio del prodotto, monitoraggio del tempo, diagrammi di Gantt, schede Kanban e altro ancora.
Jira è lo strumento di sviluppo software più utilizzato dai team Agile. Milioni di sviluppatori scelgono Jira per pianificare e realizzare prodotti straordinari. Provalo gratis! Ulteriori informazioni su Jira
Piattaforma di test cross-browser per sviluppatori che consente di testare applicazioni e siti web mobili.
Permette di segnalare visivamente bug e problemi direttamente in Jira, Trello, GitHub, Gitlab, Asana e altri.
ClickUp è il futuro del lavoro: è un'unica app che le sostituisce tutte. ClickUp è un'app per la produttività del 2020 in rapida crescita.
Riduci il costo della qualità con l'automazione. Process Street consente ai team di semplificare la conformità con modelli predefiniti.
EcholoN come software di QM con database delle informazioni, ad es. per la certificazione in conformità a DIN ISO 9001. Adattabile ed espandibile.
Issuetrak consente di gestire i ticket e le richieste dall'inizio fino alla risoluzione. Flessibile, personalizzabile e facile da utilizzare. Nel cloud o sul posto.
Software QMS di facile utilizzo. Suite multifunzione con automazioni conformi a ISO e FDA. Collega i processi di qualità con analisi in tempo reale. Ulteriori informazioni su QT9 QMS

Recensioni su SpiraTest

Punteggio medio

Nel complesso
Facilità d'uso
Servizio clienti
Rapporto qualità-prezzo

Recensioni per dimensioni dell'azienda (numero di dipendenti)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1.000
  • >1.001

Trova recensioni per valutazione

Utente Verificato
Utente LinkedIn Verificato
Risorse umane, 501-1.000 dipendenti
Ha utilizzato il software per: 1-5 mesi
Fonte della recensione

Very simple tool that works well within our organisation

4,0 7 anni fa

Commenti: The major benefit was the introduction of formalised test management processes that inherently increase the capability maturity of our organisation.

Aspetti positivi:

Very easy to use and setup. The requirement management is suitable and integrates well with test management and incident management (defects). By far the best part of the software is that we get all this are a very reasonable price.

Aspetti negativi:

Some inconsistencies with editing such as placing of 'save' button and the wording for those buttons that are moderately unintuitive. Custom Reporting would be nice and the reports in general need work; as does the exporting of graphs (which are all black).

Risposta di Inflectra

7 anni fa

Hello, Thank you for reviewing SpiraTest. We wanted you to know that we have released a new version of SpiraTest which includes a new Custom Graphing feature. We hope you will find it useful for your reporting needs.

Software Quality Assurance Engineer
Ha utilizzato il software per: Non specificato
Fonte della recensione

SpiraTest compares very well to other well known project management applications.

4,0 16 anni fa

Commenti: SpiraTest compares very well to other well known project management applications.
SpiraTest beats Quality Center in the ability to create different workflows for multiple incident types, and workflow customization is based on a simple interface rather than on VBScript. The ability to link project artifacts together seems much easier and intuitive the Quality Center. Best of all, SpiraTest has a tool to communicate with Quality Center if you need to work in both applications.
SpiraTest also compares well with Pragmatic Software Planner. Information is much more accessible in SpiraTest, and everything actually works. Software Planner loses points for having a more rigid workflow, a non-intuitive interface, and for features that just don't work, like custom reports.

Aspetti positivi:

You can't beat SpiraTest without paying a lot more (and even then you might be disappointed). - Surprisingly easy set up. - Fantastic ease of use once you get used to the workflow paradigm (change status, verify newly required fields, then update). - Traceability: We love how all project components can be linked together. - Test case management: Create individual steps for each test case, and link steps from one test case to another to prevent step duplication. Create a test run, and send information to your automated testing software. Software testing heaven. - Workflow management: custom workflows by project or even by incident type. Cusomtization is implemented by interface, not language. - Support: Inflectra support has been fantastic in helping us migrate data into SpiraTest from our previous system. - Meets our needs: Our consulting firm needed a one-stop app that would work for multiple long- and short-term projects. We found SpiraTest, we tried it, and we love it.

Aspetti negativi:

Enhancements to current features, rather than new features, seems to be the rule: - ability to create and administer user groups on a project level instead of only at the application level. - mass updating of multiple artifacts (change all incidents with this type to that type) - update workflow transitions by user type instead of altering each transition. - Workflow takes a little getting used to; transitions must be performed in the following order - 1. Select the desired status, 2. Fill out ALL the newly required fields (check all the tabs), and then 3. Update. - Custom fields are hidden on their own tab in the lower half of the main pane. It would be nice to have the option to place some custom fields on the main pane. - Would be nice to be able to hide fields that aren't desired for a certain project. - Would like the ability to assign certain SysAdmin rights on a project level. - Would like a few more report cusomization options.

Senior Software QA, team lead (USA)
Dispositivi medici, 51-200 dipendenti
Ha utilizzato il software per: Più di 2 anni
Fonte della recensione

Love version 4 but we are unable to work with version 5

2,0 8 anni fa

Commenti: My rating above is for Spiratest version 5. We have used and loved Spiratest for the last three years but we are considering stop using after seeing version 5 features. We upgraded to version 5 months ago and we have to downgrade it because we found it unusable. I was hoping something has gone wrong with the upgrade and we started a trial version hosted by Inflecta so we could create a brand new project and work with any problems and issues with tech support. It turns out the original upgrade was working fine and what we thought were bugs turned out to be features. We can't work with projects that force our test cases to be ordered alphabetically. To upgrade to version 5 will cause us to spend a lot of time creating custom fields and assigning numbers so we can see the test cases in the order we like. In addition, we will need to write code so we can have a report that doesn't list the test cases in alphabetical order. It doesn't make sense to us to spend time and resources trying to make the new version work like the previous version. I am not opposed to software changes and I am always happy to see improvements in new versions but this is a showstopper for us. We are in the process of deciding whether we need to keep to paying our annual fee if we are not going to continue upgrading the software. Sorry, we loved your software but you lost us here.

Aspetti positivi:

The colors

Aspetti negativi:

See my previous comments

Risposta di Inflectra

8 anni fa

Hi Begonia Sorry that you didn't like the changes in v5.0. Unfortunately for every user that liked the way the old folders and test cases worked, a much larger number really didn't like them and found them cumbersome and confusing. That's why we did the redesign in v5.0 and most of our users are much happier. But as the old saying goes, you cannot please everyone! If you really need it to work the old way, then probably staying on v4.0 makes the most sense.

Practice Manager (Australia)
Servizi e tecnologie dell'informazione, 501-1.000 dipendenti
Ha utilizzato il software per: Più di 1 anno
Fonte della recensione

Way better than Excel, Testuff, and other lower price point Test Management tools.

4,0 7 anni fa

Commenti: Test data management without the risk of irreversible or unaudited changes.
A cloud accessible test management tool for my test team

Aspetti positivi:

The ability to group test cases, the folder hierarchy, test sets and test runs per release. So glad the all tests with tests steps view was added (Table view) Customisable reports are very useful once configured/scripted correctly (although the interface/mechanism is too complex for non-developers/non-technical people. It is far from intuitive)

Aspetti negativi:

Data imported to the Excel template via the Excel add-on should arrive in a format that could be immediately exported back to Spira. This would facilitate faster creation of duplicates with minor amendments, such as copying large tests sets to be rerun in a new release. Reporting. It's difficult to find the report you want without having to run one to see the story it tells. A snapshot of the report with generic data would be handy. Failing/blocking a test should start creating the incident. These should be seamless. Select existing incident should be an option there also. There should be a way to clear results from a step, not just select a different result. There needs to be a X by Y grid matrix of requirements to tests in Reports The Export to Excel option should work for multiple selections The data structure should be made available within the Reporting UI to facilitate customised report writing. A drag and drop UI would be a big improvement, as would a sample view to see the impact of your changes with dummy data without having to run the report The name of the current test should remain on screen while the steps for it are visible. As the last step scrolls off the screen the next test name can then appear.

Test Manager (Finlandia)
Servizi di informazione, 11-50 dipendenti
Ha utilizzato il software per: 1-5 mesi
Fonte della recensione

Overall it's good an makes test management and running a lot smoother

4,0 8 anni fa

Aspetti positivi:

The history features of test cases are nice. The ability to link requirements to test steps is nice (allthough could be improved as it is lost on clone). The tracking of progress is nice and ability to create incidents from a specific test steps helps a lot. All the different types of reports that are available to generate are also quite nice.

Aspetti negativi:

The lack of branching/versioning of test cases. This is a big con for us and we're hoping that it will be looked at in the future. Another problem is the linking of requirements to test steps, it feels like it's lacking a bit; it should be possible to 1. Clone a test case and keep the requirements on the test steps (currently they're lost) 2. If a requirement is just linked to a test step the result should be possible to link to that, currently if a step not at all related to the requirement fails the requirement will also fail. Also we'd like a report where it's easy to see the traceability and result of test run and requirement, e.g.: REQ1 PASSED REQ2 FAILED Currently it is possible to get the requirement and what Test case it is tested in and then print out all of the test cases to see the results. We'd just like a bit of an easier report/tracking here. If possible it would also be nice to add a comment to FAILED, maybe what test case failed (if it is tested in more than one) and perhaps even incident numbers of some sort.

Risposta di Inflectra

8 anni fa

Thanks for the positive feedback on SpiraTest, including the ability to link requirements to test steps (most tools limit the link to just test cases). We do plan on adding requirements/test case baselining functionality, we already support test case and requirements versioning and history tracking. The linking of requirements to test steps and the corresponding reporting was added recently and we shall be enhancing its reporting and tracking in future releases. You can report a reason when a test case / test step fails (in fact you have to), and we already include built-in defect creation and linking during the test execution process, so we're not sure what the reviewer meant by that part.

Ha utilizzato il software per: Non specificato
Fonte della recensione

Spira Test Review

3,0 11 anni fa

Commenti: Pro: - covers Requirements as well as Test Cases
- compatibility with automatic testing tools
- possibility to create Test Sets
- execute Test Sets separately from the Test Cases they contain
Con: - "keep me logged in" doesn't work (sometimes changes are lost)
- sometimes the lists aren't displayed correctly (then after selecting "Show Level 1" it works again, but it's annoying)
- mixed language (German and English - wouldn't care if it is only English .. maybe depending on the language of the browser?)
- the tree list view to the left when editing one Requirement or Test Case is often not displayed correctly which makes it difficult to navigate
- moving of list items sometimes doesn't work
- "Administration" link is only displayed if a project is opened for which someone is Project Owner, even if he is an overall administrator
- if text is copied from a Test Step and the whole text field was selected, a grey background is pasted
Nice to have: - Maybe it isn't possible - but it would be nice to have the possibility to link a Test Case to an automatic testing tool for each Test Set which contains this Test Case. Because we are testing automatically with Smart Bear's TestComplete and we also use the possibility to have one Test Case in several Test Sets, if they are the same. Due to some slight differences we can't use the same recorded test (in TestComplete) for all of the Test Sets. - It would be nice to have a choice if an item is pasted before or after the checked item in the list. - We would like to have the possibility to link a Test Case folder with a superior Requirement. If then a Test Case is created from a Requirement, the new Test Case should be in the linked folder. It is annoying to search for a new Requirement at the end of the list and moving it up into the corresponding folder. Or maybe you can provide a choice into which folder the new Test Case should be created. Overall: We are happy to have a tool which provides the possibility to manage Requirements, Test Cases and Test Sets. Also the feature to test automatically is great! But we were a little bit disappointed that the last update just brought some changes regarding design. The buggy functionalities influencing the usability were not fixed (e.g. displaying the list). Or maybe we recognized only the design changes. Overall, we put trust into the Inflectra team that those annoying usability issues will be fixed.

Utente Verificato
Utente LinkedIn Verificato
Ha utilizzato il software per: Non specificato
Fonte della recensione

SpiraTest for effective Test Management

4,0 7 anni fa

Aspetti positivi:

Our team reviewed the free trial of SpiraTest as a test management tool for our organization. It was very easy to use and setup. Now, we are looking at purchasing it. It integrates easily with Jira as a project management tool and it is a cheaper option to other test management tools .

Aspetti negativi:

I realize that once a user is created there is no way of deleting them, you can only disable the user. Some things like the auto-mail content and workflow names are not customizable.

Utente Verificato
Utente LinkedIn Verificato
Dispositivi medici, 201-500 dipendenti
Ha utilizzato il software per: Più di 2 anni
Fonte della recensione
Fonte: GetApp

Serves the purpose

4,0 6 anni fa

Aspetti positivi:

Cloud and in house hosting options available. Customer support is quick and effective. Product is upgraded frequently. Roadmap is clearly communicated. Lots of customization options for reports if you know how to do it.

Aspetti negativi:

Copy, edit, clone and drag and drop are not that user friendly. Need more integration options like EA.

Utente Verificato
Utente LinkedIn Verificato
Prodotti chimici, 51-200 dipendenti
Ha utilizzato il software per: 1-5 mesi
Fonte della recensione


4,0 4 anni fa

Aspetti positivi:

creating and and reusing test case is very simple, thus, Cloud and in house hosting options available, it makes organizing and managing your team easier.

Aspetti negativi:

Tracking modules can be improved. it would make this software perfect!

Utente Verificato
Utente LinkedIn Verificato
Ha utilizzato il software per: 1-5 mesi
Fonte della recensione
Fonte: GetApp

Bug integration with TFS in progress

4,0 8 anni fa

Commenti: I'm currently evaluating SpiraTest for my company and actually have not yet used all of its functionality. I'm in the process of configuring SpiraTest to integration with my bug tracking system, Team Foundation Server 2017. I found the documentation a bit dated, but useable and in the end I'm sure it will work. I've contacted the Inflectra support folks and they have always answered my questions. Fantastic support crew! I find custom fields for SpiraTest easier to configure than the other end -- TFS. TFS requires a Visual Studio license to configure certain items like state transitions. SpiraTest by contrast is very EASY to configure!

Aspetti positivi:

Ease of use and configuration of all administrative actions. (GUI!) Great support! Has a centralized document repository. Fast interface, very responsive.

Aspetti negativi:

Somewhat dated documentation on integrations. (bug integration between SpiraTest and TFS)

Technical Support (USA)
Software informatici, 11-50 dipendenti
Ha utilizzato il software per: 6-12 mesi
Fonte della recensione

A nice little addition to a development team

4,0 6 anni fa

Commenti: It's nice, obviously could use some improvements but their team is always putting out updates and new content. Overall I think it's worth it to have.

Aspetti positivi:

Integrates well with Jira. Easy to configure for your needs. Nice reporting tools. Good support team.

Aspetti negativi:

Reports can be really slow sometimes. Reports take a lot of customizing before you get any useful results. The UI is not very user friendly.

Risposta di Inflectra

6 anni fa

Thanks for your review, it is very helpful, I will pass on your feedback to our development team. I know that they are working to improve the reports, we plan to have the improvements released in v6.1 later this year.

Software QA Analyst (USA)
Software informatici, 501-1.000 dipendenti
Ha utilizzato il software per: Più di 1 anno
Fonte della recensione

Great tool to help organize your testing needs

4,0 8 anni fa

Commenti: A few years ago we worked with this product on a trial basis. Everyone liked the fact that it helped keep our test cases organized and consistent regardless of who wrote them. We were able to bring the product on full time. When I left the company moved to another one, SPIRA was one of the first software applications that I pushed for to have and I continue to do so.

Ha utilizzato il software per: Non specificato
Fonte della recensione

Great product at the price and brilliant support

4,0 15 anni fa

Commenti: I'd still go with the de-facto standard QC only if a) I had the budget AND b) I knew that we would make use of the additional features and would use it on a scale that justified the additional cost. To anyone looking to buy this type of tool, I'd suggest giving SpiraTest serious consideration, and being honest with yourself about whether you really are going to use all the features of a higher-priced tool. I'll certainly remember SpiraTest and consider it the next time I find myself going into a team that doesn't have a test management tool in place.

Aspetti positivi:

- Agree with other reviews that Adam is incredibly helpful, and he responded brilliantly to our enquiries - Great tool for the price. It does everything we need it to. - Good integration with other tools provided by add-ons and the web service. - Very fair approach to license upgrades, as user base grows. (SpiraTest started off in one QA team and is now being used by three teams within the company.)

Aspetti negativi:

- As a TD/QC user for 10 years I do miss some features, and the UI isn't as 'polished'. But at this price I really can't complain.

Senior Test Engineer
Ha utilizzato il software per: Non specificato
Fonte della recensione

Overall, SpiraTest gets a 9 out of 10 for its reach functionality and ease to use.

5,0 16 anni fa

Commenti: Overall, SpiraTest gets a 9 out of 10 for its reach functionality and ease to use.
9 because there also is room for improvement and because, even though we consider it to be the best tool that fits our needs, we would have wanted functionality that allows us to reuse test cases easily.

Aspetti positivi:

Excellent Customer Support, starting from the first day of evaluation. Easy to implement and to use. Offers integration with Jira and it uses more or less the same look and feel. Excellent Price ! Very customizable. Possibility to attach files without size limit. Very good reporting options, migration options and e-mail notification options. Project based.

Aspetti negativi:

It is not possible to use test cases from one project to another, even though some functionality can be common. However, this does not happen in all the companies, only a few might need to use the same test cases when testing two projects with common functionality.

Ha utilizzato il software per: Non specificato
Fonte della recensione
Fonte: GetApp

Working synchronisation with JIRA

4,0 12 anni fa

Commenti: Spiratest is a complete test management software that works well together with JIRA.
We were looking for a test management software that can be used together with our locally hosted JIRA system and for a specific project. We couldn't install a test management plugin and a local installation of a test management solution was either too expensive or to complex.
Spiratest Hosted Service offers the possibility to synchronize with a local JIRA via a desktop tool.
With the help of Inflectra support we got it running.

Aspetti positivi:

- Have a complete test management solution for the time needed - Working synchronisation with JIRA - Easy-to-install desktop utility for synchronisation - low setup and operating costs.

Aspetti negativi:

- The synchronisation runs only with a desktop utility - You cannot selectively synchronise JIRA-issues, e.g. certain issue types or issues from a defined start date. - Usability. The user interface needs improvement.

Test Engineer (India)
Servizi e tecnologie dell'informazione, 11-50 dipendenti
Ha utilizzato il software per: Più di 1 anno
Fonte della recensione

maintenance is very easy, loved the folder structure

4,0 7 anni fa

Commenti: Execution cycle is maintained
Repository Easy to share

Aspetti positivi:

the release wise maintenance of folders and test cases are very good, user can execute same test case for each release

Aspetti negativi:

filters and copy fasting the test cases is very poor, sometimes it hang for all users who are logged in at the time someone copies it

Ha utilizzato il software per: Non specificato
Fonte della recensione

OK - but misses functionality in integration interface

3,0 14 anni fa

Commenti: neutral as per now.

Aspetti positivi:

I have only checked out the integration with other systems - Jira on my part. Nice setup for mapping the fields and parameters in integration with JIRA.

Aspetti negativi:

I find the user interface very messy and 'undelicate'. The main reason for us to consider SpiraTeam is to have one 'own' system for the QA team. Everything else is in Jira. However - the mapping from Jira to SpiraTeam misses requirements. The only thing that can be sync'ed are Incidents. And we are not happy to call a use case or feature enhancement in Jira an incident in SpiraTeam. I have logged this with support.

Sr. Manager
Ha utilizzato il software per: Non specificato
Fonte della recensione

The product is evolving and getting more useful. A tutorial for testers and for managers will.

4,0 17 anni fa

Commenti: The product is evolving and getting more useful.
A tutorial for testers and for managers will be very useful. Specially for some of the testers, they need to get use to work with a testing software and it might be a big change in their work habit.

Aspetti positivi:

The product has most of the features we need. Quick, effective an friendly support.

Aspetti negativi:

Missing printer friendly capability for graphics/histograms Missing capability to export a graph/figure The test report doesn't export to Excel the test steps, only tabular information. After a refresh, the page comes back to the top, in stead of remembering the current scroll position

Test & Release Analyst (UK)
Ha utilizzato il software per: Non specificato
Fonte della recensione

Great tool at a great price!

5,0 9 anni fa

Commenti: Really intuitive and easy to use.
Does everything we need it to:
- captures requirements
- allows us to plan and design tests (and map requirements to them)
- execute test runs and log incidents on the fly
- with the option of managing incidents separately too
- brilliant how related artefacts keep track of each other and the users can, at a glance, assess the overall progression of testing
- document collaboration
- really flexible and easy to customise from an Admin perspective as well
- LDAP and email notification functionality really useful
- huge array of useful add-ons
- absolutely inexpensive when compared to HP Quality Centre.

QA Head (USA)
Automazione industriale, 51-200 dipendenti
Ha utilizzato il software per: Più di 1 anno
Fonte della recensione

Spira Test for Test Management

4,0 8 anni fa

Commenti: Spira Test is effective in Test Management. You can easily manage your test cases for any product with this tool.

Aspetti positivi:

Easy to use Trace ability of requirements to test Test case run and reporting Bug reporting and management

Aspetti negativi:

Limited features for defect management Too many formatting possibilities for text inputs

Lead EE (USA)
Circuiteria, 10.000+ dipendenti
Ha utilizzato il software per: Prova gratuita
Fonte della recensione

i don't want your software

1,0 6 anni fa

Commenti: hard sales pushing without regards towards user experience on trial signup. cannot cancel trial. cannot be removed from emails, which is illegal. this is a form of harassment which is unwelcome in the current technology climate. change your ways !!

Aspetti positivi:

nothing about it interests me and i do not want your trial.

Aspetti negativi:

forced signup. no way to cancel trial. no way to opt-out of emails, which is illegal in the U.S.

Risposta di Inflectra

6 anni fa

I am sorry that you were unhappy with the trial of SpiraTest and your experience overall. We send the emails upon signup unless indicated otherwise to assist with the onboarding experience. Many customers find them helpful, I am sorry that you did not. We are always happy to unsubscribe you after the fact and/or cancel a trial, just reply to our email with Unsubscribe. Happy to assist further.

Software QA Manager
Ha utilizzato il software per: Non specificato
Fonte della recensione

Excellent customer support.

4,0 16 anni fa

Commenti: Still early, but based on my experience with this tool and with Test Director, I believe that this tool would be the way to go. Especially from an ROI perspective. For a QA Test Management solution, it seems like it will be excellent.

Aspetti positivi:

Excellent customer support. If you have a question, they answer it quickly and with complete straight forward answers. Excellent cost. This makes it accessible to every company with QA and Test Management needs. Pretty straight forward.

Aspetti negativi:

None encountered yet.

Anna Lucovsky
Ha utilizzato il software per: Non specificato
Fonte della recensione
Fonte: GetApp

Great test and requirement management tool

5,0 11 anni fa

Commenti: Our company uses SpiraTest for over 5 years already and it helps us to keep our tests in order and track status and progress of the QA tasks

Aspetti positivi:

Wide range of functionality, comparable with industry leaders in this field (e.g. HP QC) Simple and reliable installation and configuration Good value for money Excellent support Many integration capabilities with other tools

Aspetti negativi:

There are few UI issues here and there Reports are OK, but could still be improved

Build Engineer
Ha utilizzato il software per: Non specificato
Fonte della recensione

Good simple product

4,0 16 anni fa

Commenti: Good simple product

Aspetti positivi:

Adam from Support is very knowledgable and has been very helpful with the technical support issues we've had. He's quick to respond and always thorough. Much kudos to Adam and his assistance!

Aspetti negativi:

none so far

Software Architect
Ha utilizzato il software per: Non specificato
Fonte della recensione

Space for improvements but very good product

4,0 14 anni fa

Commenti: We really like the product and is our standard for Testing Control. It is very easy to use and promotes to keep simple and organized the Testing tasks. It's very useful to see the coverage of Testing against the Requirements.

Aspetti positivi:

A very simple approach for linking Requirements -> Test Cases -> Incidents Import/Export to Excel for advanced analysis Customizable fields

Aspetti negativi:

Only one: It lacks of a field for Incident categorization.