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Cos'è ASAP?
Basato su decenni di informazioni dettagliate di educatori in programmi di doposcuola, distretti scolastici, università e istituti di istruzione privata, ASAP semplifica la gestione delle classi. Gestisci iscrizioni, programmi, comunicazioni, pagamenti e altro da un portale web centrale. Semplifica i tuoi flussi di lavoro, ottieni il controllo sui dati finanziari e offri ai tuoi studenti e al tuo personale un'esperienza gestibile.
Chi utilizza ASAP?
ASAP è particolarmente adatto per programmi e scuole che gestiscono una combinazione di lezioni e campi basati su tariffe, che cercano di semplificare la gestione con un sistema semplice e consolidato.
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Recensioni su ASAP
Easy to use, once trained
Commenti: We’re a new institution and with that comes a lot of new inventory. ASAP provided and easy to use solution that helped us track all of our inventory and customize the way we organize It.
Aspetti positivi:
Makes it easy to organize and sort inventory. Very intuitive. Works the way it feels like it should.
Aspetti negativi:
No major complaints, but there is a short learning curve. Don’t skimp on the training.
Swim lesson management
Commenti: ASAP has been a huge benefit to my company. It has saved us countless manpower hours, stress and telephone lines needed. I was able to go from receiving about 200 incoming phone calls per day for swim lesson registration to about 20, thanks to the use of ASAP.
Aspetti positivi:
My company uses ASAP in order to manage swim lesson registration across multiple locations throughout the Greater Houston area. Through some custom programming the staff at ASA were able to tweak their software to streamline participants into the registration for only their pool, and keep all other locations hidden, to eliminate confusion. The support staff at ASA are very fast to respond and are tireless in their efforts to solve any problems that occur. So far, those problems have been the result of user errors, which the team has helped fix as needed. With a web-based registration system, I have complete access from any location I am at so I can constantly make updates and changes to any registrations on the spot. The program features for ASAP are detailed and can give you as much information as you need in a variety of packages.
Aspetti negativi:
While I really love using ASAP for my registration needs, it does have some limitations right now. The software is constantly being updated and improved though, so I don't expect these limitations to stick around for long. A drawback is that while you can send email through ASAP to your program participants, staff, etc, it uses a web-based email that doesn't store the sent messages. I would like to see an interface that ties into the email system set up on the user's computer, such as Outlook or Thunderbird, which would allow the email sender to store the messages for reference purposes. Lastly, the only other drawback I've come across is that the system is not fully functional on a BlackBerry or other smart phones. You can get fairly detailed, but cannot get down into the class detail to view individual participants.
Very buggy
Commenti: We regret buying into this system. There have been improvements to our registration process, but not enough benefit to overcome the frustrations.
Aspetti positivi:
Once you understand its structure, there are some helpful shortcuts, for example, copying repeated classes.
Aspetti negativi:
User interface is flat and uninteresting with limited customization. Pages don't load, we spend a lot of time waiting for the software. Need to constantly switch between old and new versions to be able to create a class or run reports - some functions work in the old version, some in the new. Reports are not customizable. Teacher app doesn't work. Random things don't work, like some student emails don't show up in rosters, dates or times will revert to defaults, attachments don't send with group emails, etc. Auto emails are often wrong (sent with no greeting, containing field name instead of information, billing donors instead of thanking them) Some of the help techs are very dismissive and very unhelpful. Some are fine, but it's very frustrating to get one that lets you know your issue is unimportant. Donor management is awful. Don't use this for donations. We invested a lot of time in training and transferring data, so we are very invested in this software. We did a lot of research before choosing it, and had planned to use this for the foreseeable future. However, it is so frustrating that we are exploring other options, even though it will be annoying to our students and families to switch.
Very Happy with ASAP
Commenti: We are so very happy with the results from our new ASAP childcare program. From the start, our training associate Shelley Mossman has been a fabulous instructor. She met with us and took notes on our company's wants and needs, she listened carefully to what we expected from our program. She then walked us through setting up a childcare care program that worked for all of our needs. When we ran into issues, she met with ASAP programmers to fix all existing problems. We launched our new Summer Camp online registration with out a hitch. In the passed we spent hours data basing each and every student. With ASAP, all that work is illuminated. Families register themselves and input all necessary information or the registration will not be completed. After the success of our summer camps, Shelley continued our training to set up a Before School/After School registration. Again, the launch of this registration process was almost flawless. We did run into a few snags, but Shelley worked diligently to have the issues fixed. Again, ASAP saved us from hours of data basing. Our new online system is easy to use and very flexible to make simple schedule changes. We are very happy with the outcome of our online programing provided by ASAP. We are also extremely impressed with how they take their clients requests and constantly strive to improve their programing. We would absolutely recommend ASAP.
Aspetti positivi:
Easy to use. Clients input all information on their own.
Aspetti negativi:
If a client starts an account, they are not forced to fill out all information if they do not purchase at that time. The recurring billing invoices need to state the date of services.
Great Enrollment System for Vocational Schools
Commenti: Prior to switching to ASAP our organization used a clunky old Access database that forever had problems. Though switching to ASAP had a bit of learning curve from that, it has been amazingly helpful overall. I love that we can track credits, attendance, class completions, etc. all from one spot. We run transaction & invoice reports weekly to keep up on our metrics. Instructors or admin staff can leave notes in the student's account so we know why something was done outside normal policy/why someone didn't complete a class/etc. Love ASAP!
Aspetti positivi:
- web-based - pricing - staff education at the beginning of implementation - attendance, credit tracking, course completions -online student registration self-sufficient
Aspetti negativi:
- some features irrelevant to our adult learners like - family accounts, after school pick up, etc.
Bad Client Interface and Lack of Support
Commenti: When COVID-19 forced us to cancel ALL of our programming, including all classes, community partnerships, and our major fundraising gala, ASAP did not make any reduction in our monthly bill. They took three weeks to review our request, then told us that their legal and leadership team had determined we would not get any discount, even though most of our revenue had immediately disappeared.
Aspetti positivi:
The user interface on the back end is relatively easy to navigate, once you've gotten used to it.
Aspetti negativi:
The front end of ASAP (what the client / customer sees) is really terrible. We used it for 6 years before switching. There are almost no customization or filtering options so that clients can more easily find the events / classes / products they're looking for, and when we called our account rep about this, we were told that advanced filtering and display options would not be coming. We switched to a different service that is cheaper and has an amazing front-end user interface. We were also told that any additional reports we wanted to build would cost a lot of money, so we've been stuck with the default reports. Our new software has custom report building built in.
No auto auto send zoom link w/reg!!! SUPER buggy, funky interface, help menu useless.
Commenti: It's good for holding student info with history. That's all.
Aspetti positivi:
At first we liked, not loved it, it was ok, good enough. We were broke and it was affordable. It has been good to have the history of students at our finger tips. If you need someplace to keep your records it's good.
Aspetti negativi:
In this day and age, zoom is important, they wouldn't allow Zoom links to be auto sent with registration! That was the last straw for me. After using it for a few years I'm ecstatic that we're getting an upgrade to a different company. To be fair, we are not using their top tier offerings, but after our experience with them, we are NOT interested in what else they could offer. For inputting classes, workshops, events etc it is SUPER buggy. Everything is difficult to implement, maybe if I knew coding or html it would have been ok. Not intuitive at the back end AT ALL. Setting up programs was totally convoluted. The help menu was practically useless. Customer support was meh. It's not clean or smooth to use as an admin. Media, docs pdfs that needed for events not easily accessible for students nor for admin to input. It's like they're stuck in 10 years ago.
Commenti: This app may help back-end and administrators, but for those of us who use it daily for attendance, it is terrible. I have to go through at least six different pages just to get to where I can mark attendance for my class. This is extremely user UNfriendly.
Aspetti positivi:
More in-depth test results
Aspetti negativi:
Convoluted, busy, difficult to find or do anything. A lot of superfluous/and/or dead links. The pages are too busy, and the quick links arent helpful
Risposta di Vanco
8 anni fa
We appreciate the feedback and are always looking to make things faster and easier for our users. There are several ways to get to the attendance page. For the fastest method, we recommend the following steps: 1. Login 2. Click name of class in your Personal Schedule on home page 3. Click Attendance Options = Take Attendance 4. Expand the list to see the roster and take attendance. There are many other ways to get to the page to take attendance, depending on what else you want to view, but the fastest route would be this method. Thanks again for the feedback and we will continue to see if there are any steps we can remove from this process to speed it up even more.
Horrible, non-functioning system
Commenti: Do not use this system.
Aspetti positivi:
There is literally nothing I like about this system. It has actually increased my work load and decreased my productivity because I spend so much time troubleshooting. The worst tech support/customer care I've ever used. They make Time Warner look good.
Aspetti negativi:
This system does not work. It glitches every single time I try to run a report. You cannot export information in any readable manner without endlessly clicking and rearranging. A complete waste of time and money. I've emailed support 40 times in a single year and every single time was met with "We're not seeing that on our end." As if that somehow was solving the problem.
Not Worth It.
Commenti: My biggest complaint is you can't try it out before you sign a 3-year contract. I have specific needs, which they told me they could provide for. In the end, they didn't have a solution for my needs. It was only a poor work-around. I paid way too much to have to still do so much work!!!!!
Aspetti positivi:
I like the many features. There is a lot build into this system.
Aspetti negativi:
Difficult to use, poor customer service. The system did not do what I needed and I was stuck in an expensive 3-year contract.
Risposta di Vanco
6 anni fa
Hi Heather, We're sorry to hear that you experienced frustration with ASAP not performing as you expected. Thank you for letting us know. We'd like to talk more with you about this problem. Can you please provide us with a good way to reach you? Alternatively, you can reach our customer support team here: https://www.asapconnected.com/#contact. We look forward to the chance to clear things up. Thank you! The ASAP Team
ASAP changes everything!
Commenti: My community arts school on a college campus had, until 2016, been conducting registration with carbon copy forms and had all billing and accounting done through the college business office. ASAP changed the way we do everything and, I firmly believe, has given our program what it needs to thrive in the technological age and to become the best it's ever been. The support team has been amazing with effective training to equip our administrators and staff, prompt and thorough responses to any question, and quick resolutions to any issues we've encountered along the way. I've never seen our customers happier with their registration experience; from the mass data import of all existing customer info to the ease of online enrollment and payment to the automated reminders, we are now able to offer families in our program the best experience possible. Our faculty and staff are also thrilled by the ease of taking attendance and accessing enrollment info in real time. I have been amazed by how perfectly the ASAP software fits the needs of our program and has enabled me to take ownership of functions once held by several offices across our campus.
Aspetti positivi:
The support team has met all my needs and exceeded my expectations. The software itself has enabled my program to become more efficient, and customer satisfaction is at its highest in years.
Aspetti negativi:
The only thing I've had trouble with at all is that the discount editor page loads slowly. Everything else has been a dream come true.
Time wasting and utterly non-intuitive
Commenti: I do not recommend.
Aspetti positivi:
Many features for creating classes and managing students. Another pro is using this system is kind of a flashback to 1985; it reminds me of how little we could do back then and feels a lot like MS DOS!
Aspetti negativi:
Not enough space to list the complete frustration our staff and students have endured with this dog of a system. Non-intuitive, difficult, duplicates students, requires a LOT of extra work to do rudimentary tasks.
Product Satisfaction
Commenti: Like anything new, when we first used this product everyone was frustrated, but the ASAP customer support was second to none and we were soon up and running. Over time with the help of ASAP, we are really streamlining their product to suit out needs and making our registration process much more user friendly. I would highly recommend this company. Joel and Travis are very approachable and willing to help in any way they can. I for one am very satisfied.
Aspetti positivi:
The ease of using it. The product we used before was horrible, this product is so much more used friendly.
Aspetti negativi:
Don't really have any "cons". Whenever we run across a problem, it is fixed right away.
Use anything else
Commenti: Seriously use anything else if you have the option. I have contacted customer support about my many complaints who were unhelpful. ASAP feels like it's from the 90s.
Aspetti positivi:
None - we have to use this software for logging attendance for adult ed. I am currently asking my admin to allow us to change attendance providers
Aspetti negativi:
Frequently gives unknown error messages. Can't open multiple tabs. Clunky, slow. Requires many mouse clicks for simple repetitive tasks. I could continue...
Labor-intensive for teachers/ not user-friendly
Commenti: This program creates so much more work than the previous version. I can't believe I have to use up so much more teaching time or personal time to do tasks that were simple and straightforward before.
Aspetti negativi:
Since it wouldn't generate student answer sheets, teachers had to do all names and ID numbers by hand. It took hours.
Lake Career & Technical Center
I have configured and loaded many software platforms - most related to the hospitality industry. ASAP is outstanding - and I only wish I were going to work here longer to learn all the applications of it.
I come from the hotel industry, 28 years - and have a sales/convention service background. ASAP is:
- very user friendly
-support has been exceptional
-on-line help and instructions are easy to follow and implement
-customers have ease signing up for classes
-the ability to attach images is a feature I recommend anyone use to sell their classes
Aspetti positivi:
Very user and customer-friendly!
Aspetti negativi:
I wish I had more time to learn all the applications available to me!
Simple product that is easy to use and robust.
Commenti: I think this is a great product for anyone looking for an economical yet functional solution for online class registration. Would certainly recommend to others as a viable and robust solution.
Aspetti positivi:
We have had a good experience with our ASAP Software and ASA company support. ASAP is very simple to use, yet provides for most of our wants and needs at the same time. It has been an affordable solution to our online class registration needs. Support is very responsive and always a pleasure to work with. The pricing structure was a big influencer in our decision to go with ASAP.
Aspetti negativi:
We have had some occasional problems with errors in the middle of operations, both in house and for our online clients as well. Some problems with our site wrap not following through all navigation instances. Browser compatibility through all browser types has also been a minor issue.
YR Survey Complete
Commenti: Overall, I really like this system, especially as compared to our previous management software. The response time could be faster.
Building you up for something not worth it.
Aspetti positivi:
Ease and functionality of program for the multi faceted programs we run.
Aspetti negativi:
Dealing with the Rep, we decided to try and speak with another Rep, and kept getting handed back to the one we were not happy with. Their discounts were not really non-profit rates.
Helpful Tool but Has It's Quirks
Aspetti positivi:
It is a robust program that is fairly easy to use after one puts in the time and energy to master the software.
Aspetti negativi:
The program does not require clients to completely fill out their information if they do not immediately make a purchase.
I recommended ASAP to every organization I worked for.
I have worked with ASAP for over 5 years through a variety of community education programs and love its user-friendly interface, reporting systems and, most importantly, customer service. Everyone is always willing to answer even the silliest of questions and point us in the right direction. Rarely do you find a company whose CEO will directly respond to customer needs, but he does just that and his team's personal touch is much appreciated! I have recommended this system to every organization I have worked for (past and present) and strongly encourage anyone interested in growing their enrollment and revenue to join the ASAP team.
Mary Beth Harding
Nashville Community Education
Nashville, TN
(formerly Watkins Community Education and Sarratt Art Studios/Vanderbilt Dance Program)
Great for Multi-Discipline Centers
Aspetti positivi:
So far I really like the multiple options that ASAP allows in classes and the private lessons module. I like each student having an account to invoice, which was a feature we were lacking in our old software.
Aspetti negativi:
The reservations module is terrible. I have no way to book certain spaces for my instructors and have it reflect on the master calendar. I also wish there was phone or chat support.
Review from Southwest Suburbs Young Rembrandts
Commenti: Julie Rhodes at corporate Young Rembrandts is my point of contact and has been very responsive to our requests yet we know the system is still being tweaked. Too many complaints from parents/customers that the Apply to Total should be a button not just words so parents/customers don't miss it when they have a promo code.
Good solution to move back-end processes online and save time and money
Commenti: We use ASAP as our online registration and reporting tool for all our students. This has improved a lot our back end administrative tasks, saving us money and offering our students a better service. The solution is robust and has all the features we need. The staff using the solution finds it friendly and it is easy to set up and get adoption from new users.
Aspetti positivi:
complete reports that enable fine grained digging outstanding customer service, very friendly support team
Aspetti positivi:
Aspetti negativi: