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SoftActivity Monitor
Cos'è SoftActivity Monitor?
Questo esclusivo software per il monitoraggio dei dipendenti consente il monitoraggio e la registrazione da remoto in tempo reale dei loro computer. Permette di registrare le comunicazioni dei dipendenti, come e-mail, Skype e altri servizi di messaggistica istantanea. Visualizza le app usate, la cronologia internet, l'utilizzo di Facebook, i file copiati su unità USB, i documenti modificati o eliminati e altro ancora. Registra uno screenshot di ogni azione come una telecamera di videosorveglianza puntata sullo schermo del computer.
Visualizza le attività in tempo reale o registra tutto nel database del registro centrale per un'analisi successiva.
Chi utilizza SoftActivity Monitor?
Organizzazioni che desiderano monitorare l'attività dei propri dipendenti sui propri computer Windows e proteggere la propria azienda da minacce interne e frodi dei dipendenti e migliorare la produttività del personale.
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SoftActivity Monitor
Recensioni su SoftActivity Monitor

Valuable and effective tool to monitor the staff working in office.
Aspetti positivi:
I have been using this software for several years, it runs really fantastically. One can easily install this software and start working. This software is used for turning on/off monitoring notifications. It's view history like video is a perfect tool indeed. It is very easy to use, implement and superb way of keeping eyes on the users and to get information what other workers are doing. It assess all sorts of computer issues quickly.
Aspetti negativi:
It lacks running reports. Sometimes in activity data base it missed recordings of the specific company chat program that one is using. Sometimes it stopped taking screen shots automatically without any reason due to which database have to move further or to create new one in order to restart working.
Great to feel protected..
Commenti: Neither of these cons should make you think any less... This is a fantastic product. We almost never need to look at it however for us its their to review something that has happened on a workstation. A handful of times this software has made troubleshooting issues with employee usage policy and can save your company from legal headaches!
Aspetti positivi:
It's depth of auditing is fantastic. From logging files copied to a flash drive from specific network locations to its logging of usage to review when an issue presents itself.. It really is a great product!
Aspetti negativi:
A few versions ago you were able to review directly from the software. We found this easier and faster but have come to find the web interface does indeed have its advantages. One other minor thing, the web interface at the moment always opens to ALL history which can take a few moments to open. Would be better for us atleast if we could set it to only show the week or month..
Risposta di Deep Software
5 anni fa
Thank you for your kind review! In the latest versions, if you select the Last week or Last month in the reports, it should remember this choice. If it does not work for you, our support can help with that.
Used the software for several years, while it usually performs pretty well, there are some issues.
Aspetti positivi:
Pro is being able to turn on/off the monitoring notification. Sending notifications/popups to users. Having both the screen view as well as keystrokes views are incredibly helpful.
Aspetti negativi:
Users frequently disconnect, and the only solution is to uninstall and reinstall the AmAgent software. Makes it difficult to monitor long term, and interrupts both my day and the users by having to do the reinstall. If you're looking at the keystrokes view while a user is actively typing, the screen will continue to jump down to the bottom of the page as the keystrokes are updated. Makes it incredibly difficult to go through the history during the day or if someone is actively working at their station. Often with major software updates, we have to uninstall and reinstall the AmAgent software on all machines. Difficult to maintain connectivity with multiple admins running the monitor at the same time. Some admins will show staff connected, while same staff shows as disconnected on another admin's monitor. Anytime I have had to interact with customer support it has been a primarily canned response, and I had to push to escalate to get anyone on the phone with our IT person.
This product is very useful tool for our company.
This software is very easy to use, working smoothly, and the important thing is we monitored each and every activity of our employees.
But few things need to add more .
1.if we check any old activity and snapshoots so there's only dates options available ,it takes a lot of time to search .if the time option is added like if i found 1/1/2019 and time is 2:00 pm so the only 2:pm activity will show on the screen it will be easy and perfect to see old activities..
Aspetti positivi:
The software is very easy to install and use.
Aspetti negativi:
Please add time option, search by the date and time too. Please do make some videos on all settings so its more easy to watch and implement..
Risposta di Deep Software
5 anni fa
Shan, Thank you for the review. I'm glad our software is helpful for your business. You can actually already filter snapshots and logs by time in the latest version 12.0. Just select time next to the day in the top area

Great utility to protect your data
Commenti: With this system we may check at any time the use of any computer in the company and to know what the users are doing, and how many time they spend on it
Aspetti positivi:
It is very easy to setup, and to monitor the use of the computers ont any network environment, and constantly it is being getting better
Aspetti negativi:
Nothing at all, its great and very easy to use

Easy to use Employee Monitoring Software
Aspetti positivi:
Fairly easy to deploy agents on user PCs. Frequent updates to keep compatibility with windows OS AND browsers.
Aspetti negativi:
Missing iOS app and option for true cloud storage/backup of screenshots.
Great Product and customer service
Commenti: Very happy and satisfied. I was not able to find anything comparable that shows live screens of staff computers this affordable and easy to use.
Aspetti positivi:
Live, real time view of staff computer screens, being able to see the keystrokes in real time, being able to go back and review the logs (screen shots of staff computers) during times I was not watching their activity, etc
Aspetti negativi:
There really aren't any for me other than the fact that I am unable to install the agent remotely but that has more to do with my expertise and set up in my off than the product itself
Great visibility
Commenti: A great product that makes monitoring staff activity easy. Staff are aware that they are being monitored and this quickly improves their focus to work smarter.
Aspetti positivi:
Users are not impacted by the installation, updates and use of the software. Gives real time visibility of users screens. Historic reports means you are not a slave to the programme
Aspetti negativi:
Doesn’t work on IOS products Uses large amounts of storage for the reports if you want to keep everything (obviously it is monitoring a large amount of data)

Great software to keep the staff focusing
Commenti: The continual pull and distractions that employees have to face is extremely difficult, this helps keep everyone focused.
Aspetti positivi:
Quick View Access to see the entire staff and team, this allows me to insure the staff is working, not being distracted by the continual internet drum.
Aspetti negativi:
I had some trouble on the install but was able to figure it out, would love to have a phone to call but I couldn't reach a real person.
Nice to monitoring employees!!
Aspetti positivi:
Is a very nice product to monitoring staff and keep everybody focusing on there activities with out distractions
Aspetti negativi:
I guess the software should have the chance to update more languages because there are many people who can be available to understand everything
This product has been a very useful tool for our company.
Aspetti positivi:
The software is very easy to install and use. It gives very detailed information and the settings can be customized to meet the requirements that you are looking for.
Aspetti negativi:
In the activity database it does not show recordings of the particular company chat program that we use. Also, there have been a couple of times that it stopped taking screenshots for no reason and the database either had to be moved or a new one created to get it working again.
Ease of use
Commenti: So far we've been using it for couple years now and it's been doing it's job. Simple reports and reviews are nice. Updates before were giving issues but it has improved in the latest builds. There are times when the workstations disconnects or loses activity reporting, but after some reboots it starts right up again.
Aspetti positivi:
The software is very easy to use, the web interface makes it convenient to log in from any networked located to view any logs/information.
Aspetti negativi:
I would say the database can be improved.
Easy software to use
Commenti: We have been able to catch staff using their energy in other ways other than focusing on work. I have also used it recapture information we thought we lost and found it on a screenshot, this has saved us more than once.
Aspetti positivi:
The view history as a video is a great tool. Being able to see what is going on live and to be able to customize how often a screenshot is saved.
Aspetti negativi:
It does not allow for running reports. Also looking at a web address I cannot always tell if it is personal or business and have to revert to looking at each individual screenshot. I have demoed other software and although this one is easier to navigate others gave report options.
Effective view into user history and activity
Commenti: Seeing what user's do.
Aspetti positivi:
The insight into user history makes it a valuable tool for my school. It's a valuable tool to make user's accountable for their use on the computer.
Aspetti negativi:
As we expanded to over 500 computers the server had a hard time kepping up. The amount of time it takes to download the data took a bit of time to get on to server.
Software monitoring
Commenti: I am able to see when a user signed in from their computer and track activity of all of the sites they have visited. The reports show detail in a case when a user says they were doing work, but the report shows them browsing facebook or social media.
Aspetti positivi:
It is easy to configure if you are very technical. I like how you can silently install on a machine in the environment without the user knowing. It allows me to see if employees are actually doing their work or browsing the internet or streaming. I am able to protect the organization against employees copying data from the servers.
Aspetti negativi:
It can be slightly difficult to setup. Once you get passed that, it is smooth sailing.
Easy to implement, easy to use and the best way to keep an eye on your users.
Aspetti positivi:
Our company operates offices in multiple countries and we required a way to make sure that our users were working on the task. This application is great for keeping an eye on your easily distracted users and to better understand what your users are working on. More than once it has saved us days in lost time when we realized that a task was misunderstood.
Aspetti negativi:
Some conflicts on some systems cause the application to crash. Updating works, but only mostly requiring some manual intervention.
We can monitor every staff
Commenti: We can find bad staff
Aspetti positivi:
Activity Monitor really good application for staff monitor. This digital world have many data leak. But we can monitor with "Activity Monitor". We record computer screen like a CCTV camera. So staff working sincerely.
Aspetti negativi:
We can check every staff computer screen. They are what send what delete. Or what do. Also we can record. Many IT companies going drop, the reason staff leaking data. But when we use Activity Monitor in our office all staff working fine because we record and monitor all, what they do. Also can get screen snapshot also
Amazing only had 1 issue
Commenti: Complete control of all activity monitoring as the name implies
Aspetti positivi:
Screen Captures are by far my favorite feature. Being able to go back to a date and visually see what was going on is great.
Aspetti negativi:
The fact that when you upgrade the software if you don't have a password on the clients it will bug out and create a password and not tell you. At that point you must manually uninstall the software from the pc and reinstall. Real pain
Gets the job done, but way to buggy sometimes
Aspetti positivi:
Nice and simple. Does exactly what I want as in viewing multiple desktops at once. I can control many features from the software to each computer or in a group
Aspetti negativi:
Biggest thing is sometimes sending a CTR-ALT-DEL to the machine so that you can login does not work. Contacted support several times and I feel like they blow me off as if I am not using it correctly.
Great Service!
Commenti: You can be on top that all employees are actually doing the job and no one plays around
Aspetti positivi:
Ease Of use, Features are amazing! look back period is very good and important tool
Aspetti negativi:
Takes up a lot of your harddrive storage
SoftActivity is great!!!!
Commenti: SoftActivity allowed me with the facts I needed to fire an employee as they were doing another job using my internet and my time doing another job. It allowed me to track activity when she thought she wouldn't get caught using the Incognite window.
Aspetti positivi:
The software enables me to see what my employees are actually doing if I am ever in question of why their productivity is down or why mistakes are being made. I can monitor their time on internet or social media sites as well.
Aspetti negativi:
I honestly don't have any dislike with the software.
Overall very satisfied.
Aspetti positivi:
Real time monitoring and tracking. I enjoy being able to track and assess our employee's productivity.
Aspetti negativi:
Amount of storage that is kept on user's computers.
Activity Monitor
Aspetti positivi:
Real-time monitoring and screenshots. Easy to track users productivity.
Aspetti negativi:
Adding "agent's". Should be able to browse network and select computer.
Helpful Software
Commenti: Overall we are pleased. This is helpful to observe the project progress and see what gets accomplished each day.
Aspetti positivi:
As this software records activities, it is helpful to review the number of hours staff work on each project. The billing hours indicated in the invoice to client is more accurate. It is based on the actual time spent on each project.
Aspetti negativi:
This can summarize more activities such as when the person is not moving the mouse for more than a minute, it calculate all the inactivity time. This will help to see if a person was present in the office from 8:00 to 5:00, the inactivity time is 2 hours 23 minutes.
Easy to use
Commenti: Very successful
Aspetti positivi:
It Is to use and allow you to monitor silently
Aspetti negativi:
Does not work with thunderbird client email